joi, 7 martie 2024

Noi monede comemorative și pachete numismatice din Spania - 07.03.2024 - VIDEO

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During the last World Money Fair, World Money Fair, held in Berlin between February 2 and 4, the National Mint and Stamp Factory – Royal Mint, put on sale a limited series of copies of its traditional, Wallet or Euroset, which is usually issued on the occasion of this numismatic event.

Until now it could only be obtained during the Fair, but starting Monday, March 11, it will be on sale in numismatic stores in our country. Its composition is the eight regular circulation coins with a mintage date of 2024, plus the two commemorative 2 euro coins also from this year, "World Heritage - Cathedral, Alcázar and Archive of the Indies of Seville" and "200th Anniversary of the National Police ».

The issuance volume is limited to 2,000 units, a portion of which were already sold during the Fair. The recommended retail price is €31.

Taking advantage of the topic discussed in this entry in which the World Money Fair is mentioned, I am going to leave you a video, shown there, in which we can see the presentation by the Real Casa de la Moneda of its latest issues of 2023 and the preview of some 2024 issue, mainly of what will be the XIII Ibero-American series of collector coins.

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: World Money Fair


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