miercuri, 31 august 2022

Ştergar ales cu lei


Exponatul săptămânii – “Ştergar ales cu lei
Ştergarul din borangic şi bumbac provine din localitatea Satu Nou, comuna Oltina, judeţul Constanţa şi a fost ţesut la război, în primul sfert al secolului al XX-lea, fiind utilizat la decorarea interiorului locuinţei ţărăneşti. În anul 1974 a intrat în patrimoniul muzeului.
La capetele ştergarului apar două registre decorative late, identic tratate, compuse din motive zoomorfe (doi lei), dispuse de o parte şi de alta a unui motiv fitomorf stilizat (pomul vieţii) şi flancate de două motive avimorfe abstractizate. Toate aceste motive sunt alese peste fire cu bumbac roşu şi negru. Registrele sunt delimitate prin benzi cu ornamente geometrice (meandre), încadrate de vărgi țesute sau ajurate cu bumbac alb şi fir metalic. Mijlocul ştergarului este simplu, ţesut din bumbac alb. La capete a fost aplicată dantelă albă, de provenienţă industrială.
Prezenţa leilor pe ştergarele dobrogene este des întâlnită, acest animal solar fiind asociat cu puterea, încrederea în sine, triumful, vigilenţa, dreptatea, dar şi cu mândria şi vanitatea. Totodată, leul este unul dintre animalele- simbol ale creştinismului, conexiunea sa cu Iisus fiind aceea dintre animalul care doarme cu ochii deschişi şi Dumnezeu care nu doarme niciodată, pentru că îşi veghează permanent copiii.
Datorită valorii sale excepţionale, ca bun al patrimoniului cultural- naţional, prin Ordinul nr. 2154/ 21.03.2014, poziţia 2, emis de Ministerul Culturii, piesa a fost clasată în categoria juridică TEZAUR.


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul de Artă Populară Constanța.

Expoziția Mineralia (Ediția de toamnă 2022) | Mineralia kiállítás (2022. őszi kiadás)


Începând de joi, 8 septembrie 2022, timp de 4 zile, se va desfǎşura la Târgu Mureș cea de-a doua ediţie din acest an a expoziţiei dedicatǎ lumii minunate a pietrelor: MINERALIA. Sute de tipuri de minerale, cristale cu dimensiuni impresionante, roci, fosile și meteoriţi vor fi expuse în curtea interioarǎ a muzeului. Alǎturi de minerale şi cristale în stare naturală, vizitatorii pot admira și cumpăra bijuterii confecţionate din pietre de podoabǎ, pietre fine, pietre semipreţioase (lapis, malachite, turmalinǎ, granat, etc) dar şi perle, corali sau chihlimbar. Intrarea este liberă.
Mineralul-vedetă al acestei ediţii este Rodocrozitul
Denumirea mineralului „Rodocrozit” provine din alǎturarea cuvintelor grecești „rhodon” (trandafir) si „chroma” (culoare) care descriu perfect modul sǎu de cristalizare. Nuanţele de roz pal, translucid, pânǎ la roz intens, apar în agregate ce seamǎnǎ cu bobocii de trandafir,
Sunt puţine locuri în lume unde apare acest mineral. În România este cunoscutǎ exploatarea sa de la mina Cavnic, iar în lume, rodocrozitul apare în Nordul Greciei, în Argentina, S.U.A. (Mina Sweet Home) şi în Africa de Sud.
Valoarea şi renumele rodocrozitului este dat de eşantioanele naturale de colecţie, de sculpturile decorative şi de bijuteriile realizate din acesta.

Rodocrozitul - piatra care ne învață iubirea de sine
Datorită culorii roz, piatra de Rodocrozit este considerată un simbol al iubirii de sine și al compasiunii altruiste. Energia acestei pietre fiind considerată cea mai puternică armă de vindecare, care animă mentalul și atitudinea mentală pozitivă. Este recomandat terapeuților, psihologilor și psihiatrilor.

2022. szeptember 8-án, csütörtökön kezdődik és négy napig tart a kőzetek csodálatos világának szentelt idei második kiállítás. A múzeum belső udvarán több száz féle ásványt, lenyűgöző méretű kristályokat, kőzeteket, kövületeket és meteoritokat állítanak ki. A természetes állapotú ásványok és kristályok mellett a látogatók megcsodálhatnak és megvásárolhatnak számos, drágakövekből, finom kövekből, féldrágakövekből (lapis, malachit, turmalin, gránát stb.), valamint gyöngyökből, korallokból és borostyánból készült ékszert. A belépés ingyenes.
A mostani kiadás középpontjában a Rodokrozit áll
Az ásvány neve a görög "rhodon" (rózsa) és "chroma" (szín) szavak összetételéből származik, amelyek tökéletesen leírják kristályosodását. A halvány, áttetsző rózsaszíntől a mélyrózsaszínig terjedő árnyalatok rózsabimbóra emlékeztető aggregátumokban jelennek meg.
Kevés olyan hely van a világon, ahol ez az ásvány előfordul. Romániában a Cavnic-bányában bányásszák, a világon pedig Észak-Görögországban, Argentínában, az Egyesült Államokban (Sweet Home bánya) és Dél-Afrikában.
A rodokrozit értékét és hírnevét a természetes gyűjtési minták, díszítő faragványok és ékszerek adják.
Rodokrozit – a kő, amely önszeretetre tanít
Színe miatt a rodokrozitot az önszeretet és az önzetlen együttérzés szimbólumának tartják. Energiáját a legerősebb gyógyító fegyverként említik, amely élénkíti az elmét és a pozitív mentális hozzáállást. Terapeutáknak, pszichológusoknak és pszichiátereknek ajánlott.


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Judeţean Mureş / Maros Megyei Múzeum.

Sigiliul breslei pantofarilor din 1757


EXPONATUL SĂPTĂMÂNII 30.08.-05.09.2022 care se poate vizita în spațiul special amenajat la intrarea în Muzeu!!!
Sigiliul breslei pantofarilor din 1757
Acest sigiliu este confecționat din fier masiv, de formă circulară, cu diametrul de 33 mm și amprenta de 32 mm. Mânerul sigiliului este octagonal, cu laturile de dimensiuni variabile. Are un singur cerc în formă de spic, legenda este scrisă în limba germană:
K(önigllich). K(ayserlich) PRIVILEGIRTES SCUMACHER SIG(el).
În partea inferioară a câmpului sigiliului, pe orizontală, despărțită printr-o linie de restul câmpului, este gravată denumirea orașului ”NAGYBÁNIA”, iar sub acesta anul 1757. După primele două cifre sunt incizate două ciocane încrucișate, simbolizând orașul minier.
În câmpul sigiliului este reprezentată o cizmă cu carâmb înalt, de o parte și de alta fiind doi lei afrontați, iar în partea de sus este gravată o coroană heraldică.
Bibliografie: M. Zdroba, „Sigilii ale breslelor din Baia Mare în colecțiile Muzeului Județean Maramureș”, în „Marmația”, II, Baia Mare, 1971
Text și foto: dr. Sorana Mișca, muzeograf


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Arheologie Maramureș.

O nouă monedă comemorativă britanică din Teritoriul britanic antarctic - 31.08.2022

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#BRITISH_ANTARCTIC_TERRITORY £2 2022 (Bicentenary of William Hershel: Southern Constellation of Apus)
Issue limit: 2000 pcs
First of five coin series.


Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Rusia - 31.08.2022

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Belonging to the series «The Trades of Man» the Bank of Russia has issued a coin of 10 circulation rubles dedicated to the «Worker of the Mining activity». This is the fourth coin in the collection started in 2020.

The mining and quarrying sector is a group of industries dedicated to the extraction of minerals and fuels that is very present in Russia.

The reverse of the coin shows a relief image of a miner holding a drilling tool, working inside a mine and the inscription around the circumference 'ЧЕЛОВЕК ТРУДА' (Trades of Man).

The side common to all 10-ruble coins of this series represents: at the top “BANK OF RUSSIA” at the bottom “2022”, on the left and right laurel and oak branches, respectively. In the center are the number "10" and the inscription "ruble" indicating the face value of the coin. Inside the number "0" in a latent image is the number "10" and the inscription "rub". The mint mark is shown at the bottom.

Characteristics of the coin

Metal: Brass-plated steel
Diameter: 22 mm
Thickness: 2.20 mm
Weight: 5.63 g
Issue volume: 1,000,000


Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Monaco - 31.08.2022

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For those interested in being able to acquire any of the 15,000 commemorative 2-euro coins that Monaco issues in 2022 dedicated to the "Centenary of the death of Prince Albert I of Monaco", inform you that its issuance and sale will take place on Wednesday 7 September at 10 a.m.

This is what the Musée des Timbres et des Monnaies of Monaco has just announced in its online store, where the coin will be sold exclusively. The sale price is expected to be €120, the same as in previous years, with shipping costs to Spain and other European countries of €35. The sale will be limited to one coin per person. To be able to buy, it is essential to be registered on the store's website beforehand.

The images that illustrate this entry are those posted on its website, the Musée des Timbres et des Monnaies de Monaco, where it already lets us see the image of the coin and its presentation, a coin that will only be issued in Proof quality.

From here you can access the place where the coin will be sold.

The inner part of the coin presents, in the center, the effigy of Albert I of Monaco. On the left side is the name of the issuing country “MONACO”. On the right side the year of issue “2022”, on the bottom “ALBERT Ier 1848-1922”, flanked by the mint mark of the (Monnaie de Paris, Pessac) and that of the engraver, Joaquín Jiménez. The twelve stars of the European Union appear in the circular crown.

Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Palau - 31.08.2022 - VIDEO

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Belonging to the “Evil Within” series, I present the third coin of this collection inspired by the myth of Theseus and the Minotaur. Theseus is a legendary hero of Greek mythology, considered one of the first kings of Athens. Famous for killing villains, Amazons and centaurs, his most famous adventure was to kill the fearsome minotaur of the Cretan king Minos. The coin brings us closer to this fascinating story and takes us into the labyrinth through which the Minotaur wandered, whom Theseus would have to face. 

The piece is made of three ounces of silver and has impressive reliefs and details, thanks to Smartminting technology.

The reverse depicts Theseus and the Minotaur within the legendary labyrinth. Theseus holds a torch, while the Minotaur appears to defend himself with a dagger. The labyrinth is rendered in Ultra-High Relief, which softens as it approaches the center of the coin, creating a sophisticated effect of depth culminating in the Power Coin logo in the center of the design.

The obverse of the coin features the Coat of Arms of Palau, along with the inscriptions: “REPUBLIC OF PALAU”, issuing country, and “$20” face value. The outer rim features an intricate pattern of High Relief lines that resembles the labyrinth on the reverse of the coin. At the top of the obverse, the inscription: “THESEUS AND THE MINOTAURUS”; at the bottom, the inscription: “2021”, year of issue.

The coin is presented as you can see in the image, with its certificate of authenticity. The print run is very limited, only 666 pieces.

In this video that I leave you, the enormous quality of this coin can be appreciated much better.

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Power Coin - Modern Numismatics

Technical characteristics of the coin and its issuance
Country Palau
Year 2021
Face Value 20 dollars
Metal Silver
Purity 999
Weight 93.3g (3oz)
Diameter 55mm
Quality antique finish
roll 666
Certificate of authenticity Yes

This is the third coin in the “Evil Within” series. I'm going to show you the other two.

2019 – Pandora's Box

2020 – Scylla and Charybdis

 The characteristics of all the coins belonging to this collection are identical, as is their issue volume.

If you want to buy the coins you can do it here.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Grecia - 31.08.2022

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The Bank of Greece announces the issuance for next September 13 of a collector's coin with a face of 10 euros in silver dedicated to the Antikythera Mechanism, an ancient mechanical calculator designed to predict the position of the Sun, the Moon, and some planets, which allowed to predict eclipses. This will be the first coin in a series called “Ancient Greek Technology”.

The Antikythera Mechanism was recovered in the Aegean Sea between 1900 and 1901 from an ancient shipwreck near the Greek island of Antikythera. Built in Hellenistic times, this intricate device was used for astronomical calculations and has been described as the oldest analog computer.

Its more than 30 bronze toothed wheels turned pointers on different spheres. Thus, manually selecting a date on the main dial, which represented the zodiac as well as solar and lunar years, moved the smaller gears so that the pointers on the other dials indicated the position of the selected date on the dial. four-year cycle of the Panhellenic games (Olympia, Pythia, Isthmia, Nemea), the positions of the five planets then known and the correlation with the astronomical cycles that especially interested the ancient Greeks. The mechanism also predicted solar and lunar eclipses.

Research into the mechanism, which has fascinated scholars for decades, continues under the Antikythera Mechanism Research Project, which, through the use of advanced imaging technologies, continues to provide impressive new insights into the complex. internal workings of the mechanism.

The coin shows as a central motif a part of the Antikythera Mechanism that can currently be seen in the National Archaeological Museum in Athens. In the semicircle that surrounds it appear the inscriptions «ΑΡΧΑΙΑ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΗ ΤΕΧΝΟΛΟΓΙΑ – Ο ΜΗΧΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΤΩΝ ΑΝΤΙΚΥΘΗΡΩΝ» (Ancient Greek Technology). The year of issue 2022 is shown on the left hand side, and the mint mark on the bottom right of the mechanism.

The reverse, common to the entire series, shows in the foreground, on a background of integrated circuits, the coat of arms of Greece surrounded by the text “ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΉ ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΊΑ” (Hellenic Republic) and the face value 10 EYPΩ (10 Euro).

The coin is presented as you can see below these lines. The selling price of this coin in Greece is €80.

Technical characteristics of the coin and its issuance 

Country Greece
Year 2022
Face Value 10 euros
Metal Silver
Purity 925
Weight 34.10g
Diameter 40mm
Quality proof
roll 2,000
Design G. Stamatopoulos

Sursa informațiilor aici.

Noi monede comemorative din Kazahstan - 31.08.2022

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Within the series "National Rites and Games of Kazakhstan", the Bank of Kazakhstan has just issued three coins, although they have a 2021 mint date, with the same design, dedicated to "Tilashar", a special event in the life of each family, which was formerly celebrated after the child pronounced his first words, but today it is the tradition that symbolizes the first step towards knowledge with the beginning of his school stage.

100 Tenge coin in alpaca alloy

The reverse of the coins shows images of children's drawings that include school elements. Also listed is the year of minting “2021”, and the name of the coin “TILASHAR”.

BU quality, weight 11.17 grams, diameter 31 mm, print run 100,000 pieces.

100 Tenge cupronickel alloy coin

This coin differs from the previous one, as far as design is concerned, in the implementation of some slight notes of color.

BU quality, weight 15 grams, diameter 33 mm, print run 30,000 pieces.

500 Tenge coin in 925 silver

 In this coin if elements with intense notes of color are appreciated.

The obverse shows the face common to all coins in this series with the coat of arms of Kazakhstan and decorative ornamental figures. To the left and right “Republic of Kazakhstan” in Kazakh on one side and in English on the other, and the face value of the coin, 100 or 500 tenge, in the center.

Proof quality, weight 24 grams, diameter 27 mm, print run 5,000 pieces.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

Noi monede comemorative din Austria - 31.08.2022

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When marigolds turn their heads to follow the path of the sun from east to west, they suggest that things are moving forward. Combined with its bright colors, this has given rise to meanings of joy, gratitude, warmth, affection, peace, protection, contentment, and understanding. It is no wonder that some people refer to the third flower in the Language of Flowers series of coins as “the grass of the sun”.

Marigolds encompass numerous plants of totally different species, the two most common being Calendula and Tagete. Both belong to the Asteraceae family, are easily confused and have many common properties. The two species also have the same basic meanings in the language of flowers, many of which focus on positivity and patience. With their golden hues and positive energy, marigolds are said to bring light to any situation and have the ability to illuminate and guide us when we face challenges.

Their strong connection to the sun means that marigolds are also associated with heat, passion, sex and love. Apparently, both marigolds and marigolds can be used in spells related to passion, creativity, and warmth, and have also been used in potions and love spells to sustain long-term passion. Marigolds also have multiple culinary uses and health benefits, and exceptionally long blooming and easy to grow, these cheerful flowers are perfect for brightening up our gardens and homes.

Symbolizing positivity, the obverse of the coin shows a young woman with her eyes closed and flowers in her hair enjoying the scent of marigold. Alongside an ornamental side image of a marigold, the reverse of the coin features a pair of marigolds, both of which are actual flower prints.


The seven pieces that make up the collection have a face of 10 euros, as in all those issued by the Austrian mint in this value, it adapts to all pockets, depending on the metal and quality. We have the copper one, which is quite cheap, and then two silver versions.


Face value: 10 euros
Date of issue: September 14, 2022
Coin design: Helmut Andexlinger, Kathrin Kuntner and Rebecca Wilding
Diameter: 32.00 mm
Metals: Copper / 925 Silver
Volume of issue: 130,000 Copper/ 30,000 BU Silver/ 30,000 Proof Silver

The Proof quality coin comes with some colored notes.

The BU quality one is presented in the portfolio that we see in the image.


2021 – The Rose – Love and desire

2022 – The Dandelion – A wish come true

2022 – The Calendula – Positivity and patience

2023 – The Forget-Me-Not – Remember Me

2023 – La Manzanilla – Strength in difficult situations

2024 – The Peony – Good fortune and happiness

2024 – La Violeta – Loyalty and devotion

None of the main flower images in the series are based on a drawing or illustration: the starting point of each coin's design is a real flower grown in the garden, which is then pressed using a special technique that captures the flower in its natural state.
Sursa informațiilor aici.

Emisiune numismatică cu tema 150 de ani de la nașterea lui Gheorghe Petrașcu

 În conformitate cu prevederile Legii nr. 312/2004 privind Statutul Băncii Naţionale a României, începând cu data de 5 septembrie 2022, Banca Naţională a României va lansa în circuitul numismatic o monedă din argint cu tema 150 de ani de la nașterea lui Gheorghe Petrașcu.

Caracteristicile monedei sunt următoarele:

Metal Argint
Valoare nominală 10 lei
Titlu 999‰
Formă rotundă
Diametru 37 mm
Greutate 31,103 g
Cant zimțat
Calitate proof

Aversul monedei prezintă un fragment dintr-o pictură a lui Gheorghe Petrașcu, inscripția „ROMANIA”, valoarea nominală „10 LEI”, anul de emisiune „2022” și stema României.

Reversul monedei redă portretul pictorului Gheorghe Petrașcu și inscripția „150 DE ANI DE LA NASTERE” suprapuse pe o paletă de pictură, numele acestuia și anii între care a trăit „1872-1949”.

Monedele din argint, ambalate în capsule de metacrilat transparent, vor fi însoţite de certificate de autenticitate ale emisiunii, pe care se găsesc semnăturile guvernatorului BNR şi casierului central, redactate în limbile română, engleză şi franceză.

Tirajul maxim pentru moneda din argint este de 5.000 piese.

Preţul de vânzare pentru moneda din argint este de 450,00 lei, exclusiv TVA, inclusiv certificatul de autenticitate.

Monedele din argint cu tema 150 de ani de la nașterea lui Gheorghe Petrașcu au putere circulatorie pe teritoriul României.

Lansarea în circuitul numismatic a acestor monede din argint se realizează prin sucursalele regionale Bucureşti, Cluj, Constanța, Dolj, Iaşi şi Timiş ale Băncii Naţionale a României.

Informații cu privire la achiziția monedelor se regăsesc pe site-ul Băncii Naționale a României, secțiunea Numismatica.

Sursa informațiilor BNR.

Noi bancnote de pe mapamond CCXI - 31.08.2022

 I. 1.000 lire Sudan

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37436

II. 200 mărci convertibile Bosnia și Herțegovina

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37441

III. 200 lei România

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37458

IV. 10.000 franci Africa de Vest - Mali

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37462

V. 10.000 franci Africa de Vest - Coasta de Fildeș

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37466

VI. 500 franci Africa de Vest - Togo

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37471

VII. 200 lire sterline Marea Britanie - Scoția

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37481

VIII. 500 franci Africa de Vest - Senegal

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37488

IX. 5.000 franci Africa de Vest - Guineea-Bissau

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37493

X. 10.000 franci Africa de Vest - Guineea-Bissau

 Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37497

XI. 1.000 gourde Haiti

 Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37509

XII. 10 dinari Kuweit

Sursa: https://banknotenews.com/?p=37631