miercuri, 6 iulie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Estonia - 06.07.2022

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Next Friday, the Bank of Estonia will start selling a card or coincard with the two-euro coin dedicated to Ukraine and Freedom, donating the proceeds from its sale to the Central Bank of Ukraine. The coin was designed by Daria Titova, a young Ukrainian refugee from the war who is studying at the Estonian Academy of Art.

The coincard will be for sale at the price of 18 euros. The Bank of Estonia will announce the amount of revenue from the sale of the coincards once the number of units sold is known and taxes and the cost of the sale process have been deducted. It is planned to initially produce 40,000 units, but it can be increased if the demand is greater.

The coincard goes on sale on July 8, while coins with this same design will enter wider circulation later this year. In total, two million two-euro coins will be issued. The Bank of Estonia has chosen this formula, in two phases, to support Ukraine, which is fighting for its freedom, as quickly as possible.

“Normally it takes 18 months to create a commemorative €2 coin, but for this occasion we managed it in four months as we wanted to support Ukraine as quickly as possible. The Estonian Academy of Art played a key role, organizing a design competition among Ukrainian refugees studying at the Academy. Ukraine is fighting for its freedom, and every euro counts," Bank of Estonia Governor Madis Müller said.

On the two-euro coin dedicated to Ukraine and freedom, a girl appears as a symbol of tenderness, protecting a bird in her hand. The design also includes an ear of wheat. The coin was designed by Daria Titova, originally from Kharkiv, who studies at the Estonian Academy of Art. The card for the coin was designed by Vladimir Taiger, who was also a consultant for the coin's design.

The Bank of Estonia started preparing to issue this coin in April. The Estonian Art Academy, where Ukrainian art students were able to continue their studies this spring, played an important role, organizing a design competition among them, which was won by Daria Titova. In early May, the central bank's Supervisory Board approved the design and also decided to use the Slava Ukraini text on the coin to symbolize Ukraine's independence and resistance. Afterwards, the coin design had to be approved by the European Commission and the EU member states. At the same time, the Bank of Estonia prepared for the production of two-euro cards and coins. The coins are being minted in Slovakia and the coincards were printed in Poland.

Coincards will be on sale in Estonia from Friday, July 8. Since the production of the 40,000 coincards will be delivered in several batches from Poland, the first 10,000 will arrive earlier and the delivery times for the rest of the cards will be somewhat longer.

Whoever wants to buy the coins directly from the online store of the Bank of Estonia can do it from here.

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