miercuri, 20 iulie 2022

Despre monedele euro de circulație din Croația - 20.07.2022 - VIDEO

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Today, July 18, the Croatian Mint has officially started the start of the production of Croatian euro coins that will enter circulation on January 1, 2023.

The Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia, Andrej Plenković, and the Governor of the Croatian National Bank, Boris Vujčić, accompanied by Damir Bolta, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Croatian Mint, visited the facilities where they are manufactured. euro coins and learned about the minting process on site.

After the Council of the European Union took a formal decision last week on Croatia's entry into the euro area on January 1, 2023, the production of Croatian euro coins is the start of a key activity for the implementation of the introduction of the euro.

The production and early delivery of the necessary amounts of Croatian euro coins to banks, so that they can then indirectly supply commercial entities, such as shops and restaurants, is an important step in the process of substituting available money, which will ensure that citizens pay without difficulty from the first day of the introduction of the euro.

To achieve these goals, the Croatian National Bank will prepare some 3,700 tons of euro coins and 350 million banknotes in order to supply banks. This is a challenge that the Croatian Mint will have to accomplish, in an extremely short period of less than six months.

The 5, 2 and 1 cent coins have the same motif, dedicated to the Glagolitic Alphabet.

“We are carrying out the process of introducing the euro in a serious, structured and systematic way, and I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to Croatia's path towards joining the euro zone. We are continuing activities that will ensure the timely exchange of cash throughout Croatia before and after joining the euro zone, and an integral part of this is the minting of euro coins with the Croatian national side. The Croatian Mint was founded in 1993 as the Croatian Monetary Institute and was one of the important pillars in the construction of the national identity.”

"Today, almost 30 years since its foundation, the Croatian Mint will mint Croatian euro coins and thus, along with promoting Croatian symbols throughout Europe, will participate in the historical process in which Croatia enters the club of the most developed member states of the European Union, for the benefit of our citizens and the economy," said Prime Minister Plenković on the occasion of the ceremony for the start of production of Croatian euro coins.

The 50, 20 and 10 cent coins (proposed by the citizens) represent Nikola Tesla, one of the great inventors of the 19th century born in Croatia.

“The introduction of the euro, with all its aspects, is also a huge logistics undertaking, the successful implementation of which ensures the supply of euro cash and the smooth development of payment transactions in the country. The exchange of cash is a very important event for each country and its monetary system, and I can say that it is one of the most logistically complex projects in Croatia at the moment. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the citizens and everyone involved in the selection of the national motifs and their implementation in the euro coins, as well as everyone involved in the current important logistics operation.”

“Special thanks to the employees of the Mint, to whom I wish the successful realization of all business goals on behalf of the professional and management services of the Croatian National Bank and on my own behalf. May our Croatian euro coins sail happily and successfully through the European monetary sea; with which we will turn another symbol of Croatian participation in the European project into a monetary reality» Governor Vujčić said on that occasion.

The 1 euro coin features the Kuna, the name of the current currency and which in the Croatian language refers to the animal known as Marta. 

 The 2 euro coin features the Map of Croatia and the edge features the inscription “O lijepa, o draga, o slatka slobodo” (Oh beautiful, oh dear, oh sweet freedom).

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