vineri, 1 iulie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Belgia - 01.07.2022

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According to the information I have, the common 2 euro commemorative coin of Belgium for the 35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program has an issue volume of 1,000,000 coins that are distributed as follows.

Today the versions intended for collectors have been put on sale, coincard with coin in BU quality and case with coin in Proof quality.

Coincard with currency in BU quality

 100,000 coincards have been put up for sale in Belgium at the price of 10 euros each. There are two versions of the wrapper, in which the language varies, the currency is exactly the same.

Coin case in Proof quality


5,000 issued in Proof version are priced in Belgium at 29.95 euros.

Currency intended for circulation

In principle, the issuance of 1 million coins in total was announced, so there should be 895,000 left to be put into circulation. At the time I write this, I am not aware that they have put any coins into circulation, but sooner or later they will end up appearing somewher.
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