luni, 26 iunie 2023

Noi monede comemorative din Vatican - 26.06.2023

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On June 20, the Vatican has issued various coins, some already presented here and others on the blog of the Group of Friends of Visual Numismatics . Today we are going to learn about the other two numismatic issues that complete the coins put up for sale on this date.

Rectangular and facial silver coin of 25 euros dedicated to Perugino

This year, the Vatican State Mint is commemorating the fifth centenary of the death of Pietro Vannucci known as Perugino (1448 – 1523) with two numismatic issues: the 2 euro commemorative coin that we saw a few days ago and a rectangular coin colored silver of 25 euros.

This new rectangular coin, the work of the artist Chiara Principe, reproduces the central scene of the Delivery of the Keys to Saint Peter. The famous fresco in the Sistine Chapel, which is also part of the cycle of the life of Jesus, symbolizes the communion between Christ and Peter and Peter with his successors, with the famous words: «Tu es petrus et super hanc petram aedificabo ecclesiam meam …et tibi dabo claves regni caelorum» (You are Peter and on this rock I will build my church and I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven).

Characteristics of the coins

Country Vatican City
Issue Year 2023
Coinage IPZS (Italy)
Quality proof
Diameter 30x40mm
Face value 25 euro
Shape Rectangle
Metal 925 silver
Weight 35g
Maximum run 1,500

The sale price for subscribers to Vatican broadcasts is €139, although very few will receive an offer to purchase this coin.

Coincard nº2 with 1 euro coin

Since last year, the Vatican Coincard went from having a 50 cent coin to one of 1 euro. 
This year the Vatican City State Mint presents the 1 Euro Vatican Coincard No. 2. It is a card with the image of Pope Francis that includes a 1 euro coin dated 2023.

Product characteristics

Country Vatican City
Issue Year 2023
Coinage IPZS (Italy)
Coin quality Fleur de Cuño
Coin diameter 23.25mm
Face value of the coin 1 euro
coincard measurements 85.5x54mm
Coincard no. 2
Coin weight 7.5g
Emission volume 80,000

The sale price for subscribers to Vatican broadcasts is €6.
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