marți, 31 decembrie 2024

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 31.12.2024

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Continuing the series of collector's items "Fauna and Flora in Slovakia", the National Bank of Slovakia issued a new coin in this series on October 8, which features the common capercaillie or western capercaillie.

Western grouse (Tetrao urogallus)

The western capercaillie is one of the largest bird species in Slovakia. The male is black except for a metallic blue-green sheen on the breast and brown wings with a white patch. The feathers under the beak are elongated and prominent, and above each eye there is a bright red patch of skin. The relatively long, black tail feathers have whitish patches and widen at the tip. The female is plainer, with mottled chestnut-brown plumage and a striking rust-coloured patch on the breast. The young are similar in appearance to the hen, although with somewhat less pronounced mottling.

In Slovakia, the western capercaillie is found in coniferous and mixed forests, at altitudes of between 600 and 1,550 metres above sea level. The species thrives in scattered strips of old, primeval mountain forest. The capercaillie nests on the ground, in a shallow depression lined with dry leaves, twigs and blades of grass or pine needles. Egg laying occurs in April–May, with the female typically laying six to nine yellowish-brown, speckled eggs.

In winter and early spring, the western capercaillie feeds almost exclusively on pine needles, shoots and buds, while in summer its diet extends to various berries and plant leaves, plus an animal component consisting mainly of insects. This bird is a solitary creature, except when the two sexes come together in the mating season. During courtship, the male stands with its tail feathers raised and fanned out, its neck erect and its beak pointing skywards, and it is a protected species in Slovakia.

The obverse of the coin shows a male western capercaillie in a heathland setting, together with a female of the same species at the bottom right of the design. In the background we see coniferous trees and an upright, splintered tree trunk. The coat of arms of Slovakia appears on the right side of the design, below the face value “5 EURO”. On the upper edge are inscribed the name of the issuing country and the year of issue: “SLOVENSKO” (SLOVAKIA), “2024”. While on the right edge is the mint mark of the Kremnica Mint (Mincovňa Kremnica), consisting of the letters “MK” placed between two dies.

Finally, the reverse of the coin is dominated by the image of a male western capercaillie perched on a branch. The Slovak name for the species, “HLUCHÁŇ HÔRNY”, is inscribed on the lower edge of the design, while the scientific name, “TETRAO UROGALLUS”, appears on the upper left edge. To the right of the bird is the tip of a pine branch with a pine cone, next to which are the stylised letters “TL”, referring to the coin’s designer, Tomáš Lamač.

Technical characteristics

Designer: Tomas Lamac
Metal: Brass
Weight: 19.1 g
Diameter: 34 mm
Country: Slovakia
Mint: Minsk, Kremnica
Engraver: Dalibor Schmidt
Issue volume: 50,000 (initially, with the possibility of increasing the amount) 

Sursa informațiilor aici.

Top 20 cele mai valoroase monede americane vândute în 2024 - 31.12.2024 - VIDEO


Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: World Numismatic News

Ce citesc sau un alt fel de recomandări VII

Pe aceeași temă: Ce citesc sau un altfel de recomandări I, II, III, IV, V, VI.

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Historia, Historia Special, Magazin Istoric

sâmbătă, 28 decembrie 2024

Naturalistul nu este mereu cel care colectează, ci uneori... cel care este colectat!


Etichetele unor exemplare aflate în colecțiile de științe naturale ne amintesc uneori de întâmplări inedite petrecute în vremuri de mult apuse... Este și cazul unui exemplar de Parthenos aspila Honrath, 1888 capturat în urmă cu aproape 120 ani, aflat în colecția realizată de Franz Salay, primul conservator al colecțiilor de lepidoptere de la Muzeul de Istorie Naturală din București.
Relativ frecvent întâlnită în apropierea râurilor care travesează pădurile tropicale umede din nord-estul insulei Noua Guinee și arhipelagul Bismark, Parthenos aspila este o specie diurnă endemică descoperită destul de târziu. Ea a fost descrisă la sfârșitul secolului al XIX-lea de Eduard Gustav Honrath (1837-1893), comerciant de artă și entomolog amator berlinez.
La puțin timp după publicarea descrierii acestei specii, un alt entomolog german pasionat, Carl von Hagen, a fost trimis în misiune în Noua Guinee de către Muzeul de Istorie Naturală al Universității Harvard.
Chiar dacă șansa i-a oferit lui von Hagen posibilitatea să observe în natură și să colecteze fluturi atât de rari și de spectaculoși, la un moment dat el a aflat pe propria piele că uneori viața unui colecționar de insecte, în special în regiuni încă insuficient explorate, nu este tocmai lipsită de riscuri.
În cartea sa “Still Life: Adventures in Taxidermy” (2011), Melissa Milgrom amintește modul în care s-a terminat aventura lui von Hagen în Noua Guinee: în cursul anului 1900, acesta a dispărut, ulterior aflându-se că a fost capturat de un trib de băștinși canibali care l-au... consumat!
În urma sa – mărturie a unei pasiuni extraordinare pentru fluturi – von Hagen a lăsat un număr important de exemplare capturate care îmbogățesc în prezent câteva colecții norocoase din Europa și America de Nord. Muzeul Antipa păstrează în colecțiile sale un astfel de exemplar, mărturie a sacrificiilor care sunt uneori necesare pentru a intra în posesia unui fluture dintr-o specie deosebit de rară.

#muzeulantipa #lepidoptere #explorare #exploratori #fluturitropicali #expeditii


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Naţional de Istorie Naturală "Grigore Antipa".

Catalogul monedelor emise de Lituania între anii 1994-2024 - 28.12.2024 - PDF

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Today we present a complete catalogue shared by the Bank of Lithuania (Lietuvos Bankas), which includes all commemorative and collector coins issued between 1993 and 2024. Until 2014, the official currency of Lithuania was the Lita, and since 2015, the country adopted the Euro as part of the single European currency.

Before we delve into the catalogue, we will briefly review the history of the Lita and its transition to the Euro, a recent change that marked a milestone in the Lithuanian economy.

The Lita

The Lita was introduced in Lithuania in 1922, following the country's declaration of independence from the German occupation forces. It subsequently became the official currency of Lithuania again on 25 June 1993.

The reintroduction of the Lita was planned even before Lithuania achieved independence from the Soviet Union. The Bank of Lithuania was established on 1 March 1990, just 10 days before the country proclaimed its independence. In 1991, the Litas Committee was established to prepare the transition from the Soviet ruble to the new national currency and to define the exchange rate. However, its implementation was postponed until 1993 to allow the Lithuanian economy to stabilise after independence, thus avoiding exposing the Lita to high inflation. In addition, it was necessary to raise back-up funds to ensure its stability.

The Euro

Lithuania adopted the Euro on 1 January 2015, becoming the 19th country to join the Eurozone. This small country, with a population of less than three million, was originally scheduled to join the Eurozone on 1 January 2007. However, entry was delayed several times: first to 2010, then to 2013, due to failure to meet the convergence criteria set out in the 1992 Maastricht Treaty.


Here you have the link to download this interesting catalogue <-PDF

Sursa informațiilor aici.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Germania - 28.12.2024

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Although there are still a few days left before the end of the year and the issue of the Vatican's 2 euro commemorative coin in honour of the 150th anniversary of the birth of Guglielmo Marconi (it will be released next year, without a date), the first 2 euro commemorative coin has already been officially announced, which will inaugurate 2025.

On January 16, Germany will issue a new coin from the “Bundesländer II” series, dedicated to the State of Saarland. This coin, part of a collection celebrating the German federal states, will feature a representation of the iconic Saar Bend, a natural and touristic symbol of great importance in the region.

This announcement not only reflects Germany's commitment to the continuity of its numismatic series, but also highlights the cultural and landscape value of its federal states, offering collectors and enthusiasts a work that combines art, history and geography in a small but significant format.

The national side, designed by artist Carsten Wolff, focuses on the Saar Bend. The design is reduced to the essential features of this meandering river. The mountainous and wooded landscape of the picturesque Saar Bend is summed up by the river's course that shapes the landscape. From a bird's eye view, the characteristic natural watercourse is embedded in hilltops that disappear into the distance. In the central area there is also the nationality designation "D" of the issuing country, the Federal Republic of Germany, the year 2025, the corresponding mint letter ("A", "D", "F", "G" or "J") , the inscription "SAARLAND" and the artist's initials. The twelve European stars are arranged in the outer ring of the national side.

The edge of the coin bears the inscription "EINIGKEIT UND RECHT UND FREIHEIT" (UNITY, JUSTICE AND FREEDOM) and a stylized federal eagle.

The coin is minted in 30 million pieces.

Apart from those distributed by German banks in rolls of 25 coins, there are these two presentations intended for collectors.

Wallet with coins from the five mints in BU quality (brilliant uncirculated)


The retail price of this product in Germany is €22.95

Wallet with coins from the five mints in Proof quality (the highest quality)

The retail price in Germany for this product is €46.95

Information about the coin's motif

Saarland State – Saarland Bend

 Saarland is one of Germany's 16 federal regions, located in the southwest of the country, close to the borders with France and Luxembourg. With an area of ​​approximately 2,570 km², it is the smallest state in Germany, excluding city-states such as Berlin, Hamburg and Bremen. Its capital and largest city is Saarbrücken.

Historically, the Saarland has been a disputed region due to its strategic location and wealth of natural resources, especially coal. During the 20th century, it was subject to several transfers of sovereignty between Germany and France, until finally, in 1957, it was officially incorporated into the Federal Republic of Germany following a referendum.

Today, Saarland is known for its focus on the automotive industry, technology and its culture that reflects a mix of German and French influences. It is also a popular destination for nature and history lovers.

The Saarschleife is one of the region's most iconic landscapes and a symbol of the Saarland. It is a spectacular horseshoe-shaped bend in the Saar River as it passes through the town of Mettlach. This natural phenomenon has been shaped over thousands of years by the erosion of the river through the wooded hills.

The best view of the meander is from the Cloef viewing platform, which offers a breathtaking panorama of the river winding through dense forests. Also nearby is the treetop walkway (Baumwipfelpfad), an elevated walkway that allows visitors to explore nature from a unique perspective.

The Saar Meander is not only a tourist attraction, but also a place of tranquillity that invites you to go hiking, cycling or boating. Its beauty and serenity make it an ideal destination for those looking to connect with nature.

All in all, the Saarland and its famous meander represent a perfect blend of history, culture and natural landscapes, attracting both tourists and local residents.

Sursa informațiilor aici.

Emisiune numismatică cu tema 400 de ani de la nașterea Mitropolitului Dosoftei


Începând cu data de 30 decembrie 2024, Banca Națională a României lansează în circuitul numismatic o monedă din aur cu tema 400 de ani de la nașterea Mitropolitului Dosoftei.

Caracteristicile monedei sunt următoarele:

Metal Aur
Valoare nominală 100 lei
Titlu 900‰
Formă rotundă
Diametru 21 mm
Greutate 6,452 g
Cant zimțat
Calitate proof

Aversul monedei prezintă Mănăstirea Probota unde s-a călugărit Mitropolitul Dosoftei, inscripția „ROMANIA” în arc de cerc, valoarea nominală „100 LEI”, stema României și anul de emisiune „2024”.

Reversul monedei redă portretul Sfântului Ierarh, Mitropolitul Dosoftei și inscripția „400 DE ANI DE LA NASTEREA MITROPOLITULUI DOSOFTEI”.

Monedele din aur sunt ambalate în capsule de metacrilat transparent și sunt însoţite de broșuri de prezentare și certificate de autenticitate, redactate în limbile română, engleză şi franceză. Pe certificatele de autenticitate se găsesc semnăturile guvernatorului BNR şi casierului central.

Tirajul maxim pentru moneda din aur este de 1.000 piese.

Prețul de vânzare pentru moneda din aur este 4.200,00 lei, exclusiv TVA, inclusiv broșura de prezentare și certificatul de autenticitate.

Monedele din aur cu tema 400 de ani de la nașterea Mitropolitului Dosoftei au putere circulatorie pe teritoriul României.

Lansarea în circuitul numismatic a acestor monede se realizează prin sucursalele regionale Bucureşti, Cluj, Constanța, Dolj, Iaşi şi Timiş ale Băncii Naţionale a României.

Informații cu privire la achiziția monedelor se regăsesc pe site-ul Băncii Naționale a României, secțiunea Numismatică
Sursa informațiilor BNR.