joi, 17 august 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ungaria - 17.08.2023

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To commemorate the 175th Anniversary of the Hungarian Defense Forces, the Bank of Hungary (Magyar Nemzeti Bank – MNB) issued a new 100 guilder commemorative coin last May.

The main task of the Hungarian Defense Forces is currently to defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country and to strengthen the collective defense of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Its additional tasks include contributing to other allied missions undertaken jointly in partnership and in accordance with international treaties, peace support and humanitarian operations, response to major industrial and natural disasters, and advanced training of allied civilian and military police forces, including outside from NATO. and the European Union.

The reverse of the coin is identical to the current circulation coin of the same denomination, it shows the face value and the letters BP as the Budapest mint mark.

While on the obverse we see several details of the logo of the Hungarian Defense Forces as the central motif; a turul, a bird of prey holding in its talons the sword of Stephen I of Hungary, and the coat of arms of the Hungarian Defense Forces, with heraldic stripes indicating the national colors. Visual elements focus attention on historical traditions and the role of the Defense Forces. The turul is the animal totem of Hungarian mythical traditions, the embodiment of heavenly power and the supremacy of the ruler, from which the origins of the Árpád dynasty can be traced. Its outstretched wings represent its protective function.

The sword is a symbol of power and royalty. Traditionally, the Hungarian kings used the sword of Saint Stephen to salute the four cardinal points from the coronation hill, thus demonstrating their power over the country.

The coat of arms of the Hungarian Defense Forces defines national belonging and is also a symbol of security and defense, referring to the basic task of the Hungarian Defense Forces.

We also note the inscriptions "A HAZÁÉRT" (For the homeland), the motto of the Hungarian Defense Forces, and at the top "MAGYARORSZÁG" (Hungary) and the words "175 éves a MAGYAR HONVÉDSÉG" (175 years of the Defense Forces). Hungarian Defense), with the year of issue “2023”.

Data of the currency and its issuance

Face value: 100 guilders
Composition: Alloy of copper (65%), nickel (15%) and zinc (20%), the inner core is copper (75%), nickel (4%) and zinc (21%).
Weight: 8.6 g
Diameter: 23.8 mm
Circulation: 1,000,000
Issue date: May 23, 2023
Designer: Zoltán Kovács


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