joi, 31 august 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din San Marino - 31.08.2023

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It will be on September 5 when the San Marino Philatelic and Numismatic Division issues the second 2 euro commemorative coin of this year 2023, a coin that is dedicated to the "500th anniversary of the death of Luca Signorelli".

Luca Signorelli, pseudonym of Luca d'Egidio di Ventura, is considered one of the greatest interpreters of Italian Renaissance painting. Thanks to his early works with Christian themes, he intervened in the decorations of the Sacristy of the Sanctuary of the Santa Casa de Loreto and, at the age of thirty, in the Sistine Chapel, first as Perugino's assistant and later as main artist. Famous are the "tondi with Madonnas" that today are exhibited in the most prestigious galleries in the world.

An angel is depicted in the center of the coin, a detail from the painting "Il Paradiso" by Luca Signorelli, kept in the Chapel of San Brizio of the Orvieto Cathedral. The design is completed on the left with the letter R, which identifies the Rome Mint, and around the bottom with the inscription SIGNORELLI; on the right around the inscription SAN MARINO, in the upper center the dates 1523 and 2023, in the lower center the initials of the author Marta Bonifacio, MB. Around the twelve stars of the European Union.

The coin is presented in the typical wallets that San Marino uses for the 2 euro commemorative coins, with the design that you can see on these lines. The issue volume is only 56,000 pieces.

2 euro commemorative coins 2023

2 euro commemorative coins of San Marino


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