joi, 31 august 2023

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Lesotho - 31.08.2023

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Lesotho new 200-loti commemorative note (B232a) confirmed

According to a press release dated 13 July 2023, the Central Bank of Lesotho introduced a new note commemorating the 60th birthday of King Letsie III. It is like the preceding issue, but with a portrait of the king alone, commemorative text at right front, revised Basotho hat in OVI, and revised security thread. 5,000,000 notes were produced for general circulation..

B232 (PNL): 200 maloti (US$14)

Orange. Front: English text; Basotho hat (mokorotlo) as registration device; King Letsie III on rock formation background; commemorative text; coat of arms with crocodile on shield flanked by Basotho horses; Basotho hat (mokorotlo) with demetalized 60 in OVI. Back: Sotho text; man on horse; Basotho hat (mokorotlo). Windowed security thread with demetalized interlocking flower pattern. Watermark: King Moshoeshoe I in top hat, electrotype 200 with Basotho hat, and Cornerstones. Printer: (Unknown). 160 x 69 mm. Paper.

a. July 17th, 2023. Sig. 10: Letete. 5,000,000 notes. Intro: 13.07.2023.

Courtesy of Alex Zlotin and Tang Hao.


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