marți, 7 septembrie 2021

Noi monede comemorative din Kazahstan - 07.09.2021

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The truth is that there are coins dedicated to all kinds of characters, events, discoveries ... but surely few or none of you know dedicated to the anniversary of the closure of a place destined for nuclear tests, or something related to this.

This is the surprising subject of two coins with the same design has just issued Kazakhstan, under the name "30 th anniversary of the closing of the nuclear test site of Semipalatinsk."

The Semipalátinsk nuclear test site, in northeastern Kazakhstan, is the place where, under the direction of physicist Igor Kurchátov, on August 29, 1949, the first atomic bomb of the USSR exploded. Of the 714 nuclear tests carried out by the USSR, 467 were carried out in Semipalátinsk. The last bomb in the Kazakh steppes exploded in 1989, with Mikhail Gorbachev being the top leader of the USSR. But for official history, the polygon was closed on August 29, 1991 by virtue of a symbolic decree of Nursultan Nazarbayev, then the highest leader of the Soviet Republic of Kazakhstan.

The design concept of the coin illustrates the history of nuclear testing. The stylized mushroom-shaped nuclear explosion consists of two parts. The left part represents the history of nuclear tests and is made in the form of fragments that symbolize lost lives and broken human destinies. The right part is made in the form of a stylized image of a dry tree as a symbol of the affected nature. The image of a green leaf in the crown of a dry tree is a sign of rebirth and hope.

The reverse of the coin features a stylized image of a mushroom-shaped nuclear explosion. Along the circumference is the inscription SEMEI IADROLYQ POLIGONYNYŃ JABYLǴANYNA, in the upper part, and in the lower part, FROM THE CLOSURE OF THE SEMIPALATINSK NUCLEARS TESTING SITE (in English), in the center of the coins appear the inscriptions 30 JYL / YEARS (Years) and "1991-2021", which indicate the anniversary date of the event.

The obverse shows in the central part, on an ornamental background, the state emblem of the Republic of Kazakhstan; along the circumference, the inscriptions QAZAQSTAN RESPÝBLIKASY in the language of the state and REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSITAN in English; at the top, the logo of the National Bank of Kazakhstan. The bottom contains information about the denomination and weight of the coin, as well as information about the metal and its purity (in the 500 tenge coin).

Coin characteristics

Denomination: 100 tenge / 500 tenge
Metal: Nickel plated / Silver 925
Weight: 11.17 g / 31.1 g
Diameter: 31 mm / 38.61 mm
Mintage: 100,000 / 5,000


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