luni, 10 octombrie 2022




Apariție editorială: RECREATING ARTEFACTS AND ANCIENT SKILLS: FROM EXPERIMENT TO INTERPRETATION, Autor: Adina Boroneanț, Editors, Monica Mărgărit

This volume focuses on the role and means of archaeological experimentation in understanding the processes involved in the manufacture and use of past artifacts. When asking for contributions, we suggested the five stages of an experimental approach as main-themes: 1. Selection and acquisition of raw material, identical to those present in the archaeological assemblages. 2. Production of replicas following the technological transformation schemes identified by the direct study of archaeological items. 3. Experimental use as indicated by the publications/ethnographic comparisons or as suggested by the morphology/use-wear evolution of the archaeological items. 4. Microscopical analysis of use-wear patterns. 5. Comparison of experimental data with archaeological data in order to validate the existing hypotheses on the way they were manufactured and used by the human communities. A second aim was that the invited authors to have various archaeological backgrounds and cover a broad spatial and temporal interval. As a result, this volume comprises 17 studies organized in three sections, dictated by the various aspects of experimental archaeology they represent: from the more traditional experimental replication, understanding and interpretation of artefact functionality, and relatively recent (and less trodden) directions in experimental archaeology. It also comes to show that experimental archaeology is as well suited for Palaeolithic studies, as it is for the Neo-Eneolithic and the Bronze Age. Although most papers refer geographically to Europe, interesting contributions take us to Argentina and Australia.


Acest volum se concentrează pe rolul și mijloacele experimentelor arheologice în înțelegerea proceselor implicate în fabricarea și utilizarea artefactelor din trecut. Am invitat o serie de specialiștii să contribuie cu studii care să testeze ipotezele teoretice existente, dar și altele care să aducă abordări inovatoare. Când am solicitat contribuții, am sugerat ca teme principale cele cinci etape ale demersului experimental: 1. Selectarea și achiziționarea de materii prime, identice cu cele prezente în ansamblurile arheologice. 2. Realizarea de replici urmând schemele de transformare tehnologică identificate prin studiul direct al ansamblurilor arheologice. 3. Utilizarea experimentală după cum este indicată de publicații/comparații etnografice sau sugerată de evoluția uzurii pe artefactele arheologice. 4. Analiza microscopică a modelelor de de uzură. 5. Compararea datelor experimentale cu datele arheologice în vederea validării ipotezelor existente privind fabricarea și utilizarea lor de către comunitățile umane. Un al doilea scop al volumului a fost ca autorii invitați să provină din diferite medii arheologice și să acopere un interval spațial și temporal larg. A rezultat un volum cuprinzând 17 studii organizate în trei secțiuni, dictate de diversele aspecte ale arheologiei experimentale: replicarea experimentală la nivel tehnologic, înțelegerea și interpretarea funcționalității artefactelor și direcțiile relativ recente (interdisciplinare) în cadrul experimentului arheologie. De asemenea, volumul ne-a arătat că arheologia experimentală este la fel de potrivită pentru studiile paleolitice, ca și pentru neo-eneolitic și epoca bronzului. Deși majoritatea lucrărilor se referă geografic la Europa, contribuții interesante vin din Argentina sau Australia.


Foreword …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7


Marie-Cécile Soulier, Sandrine Costamagno, Emilie Claud, Marianne Deschamps – Tracing the past: butchering a bison with Middle Palaeolithic stone tools …………………………………………………13

Wulf Hein – Recreating the Palaeolithic Lion Man statuette from the Swabian Alb. Experimenting with mammoth ivory …………………………………………………………………………………..33

Grzegorz Osipowicz, Justyna Orłowska, Justyna Kuriga, Alicja Bieniek, Dominik Chlachula, Jeljer Huisman, Hildegard Müller, Tabea Müller, Matteo Orsi, Marijn Rudolphie, Claudio Simoni, Sanne Smit, Dorota Wojtczak – Reconstructing prehistoric boats. A report on two experiments carried out during the first International Camp of Experimental Archaeology, Toruń 2021 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 43

Ana Ilie – From archaeological finds to understanding vegetal fibre extraction and thread production through experiment. A study case from Eneolithic Romania …………………………………………..63

Ion Torcică – Experimental replication of the antler arow points from Vităneşti Măgurice-tell settlement ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..79

Marius Gheorghe Barbu, Mihaela Maria Barbu, Ioan Alexandru Bărbat – Eneolithic archers of southeastern Europe through the eyes of experimental archaeology………………………………….103

Angie Wickenden – Revealing the technological identity of the Cornish Bronze Age pottery ….119


Jean-Marc Pétillon, Pierre Cattelain – An introduction to the experimental study of prehistoric projectile points ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………143

Monica Mărgărit – Shell gastropods as prehistoric adornments at the Lower Danube:
archaeological and experimental data ………………………………………………………………………………………163

Leïla Hoareau, Sylvie Beyries – Insights into use-wear development on shell beads through macro- and micro-analysis of experimental ornaments ………………………………………………………183

Vesna Vučković – Neolithic grinding technology in the Central Balkans and the mechanical properties of the rocks ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………201

Ekaterina N. Golubeva, Madina Sh. Galimova, Vera N. Bakhmatova – Stone pendants from the Eneolithic burials at the Kama – Volga confluence: use-wear and experiment …………………………221

Romina Silvestre, Natacha Buc, Daniel Loponte, Alejandro Acosta – Shell artefacts and microwear patterns: experimental and archaeological analysis of shell and lithic tools from the Lower Paraná Basin, Argentina ……………………………………………………………………………..233


Elspeth Hayes, Nina Kononenko – Investigating the survival of microscopic animal residues on experimental skin working tools after discard and burial ……………………………………………………………257

Vasile Opriş, Adina Boroneanţ, Marta Petruneac, Mihaela Golea, Marin Focşăneanu, Robert Sîrbu, Clive Bonsall – Early Neolithic pottery at Schela Cladovei. A comparative study of archaeological and experimental vessels from the perspective of computed tomography ………………….279

Darya A. Derzhavets – Smoke Screening: An experimental approach to understanding the function of Late Iron Age-Archaic “Bucchero Incense Burners” in the Po Valley, Italy ………………………295

Yannis Chatzikonstantinou – The use of fire in the manipulation of the deceased through experimental approaches ……………………………………………………………………………..307


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