joi, 21 ianuarie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Austria - 21.01.2021

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Kalkalpen National Park, the largest forest area in Central Europe, is home to 30 different forest ecosystems. Of the 15 vascular plants endemic to the park, the Austrian bluebell is the most prominent. A family photograph in the park, are the hanging flowers of the bluish-purple plant, which are a rare sight in other places, but can be found in the Alpine forests, being also the protagonist of the second coin of the Alpine Treasures series issued by the Austrian Mint, which highlights the native plant and animal species of the Austrian Alps.

Located in Upper Austria, the Kalkalpen National Park was established in 1997. Still largely untouched by human presence and where in places the means of transportation still do not reach, the dark and dense forest found in this northern branch of the Alps is a precious reminder of the primeval, virgin forest that covered the continent for millions of years. The plan is to gradually return the Kalkalpen forest to its natural state, letting nature take its course. This will not only provide a deep understanding of the natural world during prehistoric times, but will also shed light on the environment in which our distant ancestors lived. The oldest beech in continental Europe, dating back to 1474, is found in the park's primeval beech forest.

The Austrian bell is shown in the foreground of the obverse of the coin.

A lynx appears on the reverse of the coin, behind it the main ridge of the Sengsengebirge massif of the Kalkalpen National Park and its heavily forested slopes. Six bobcats currently reside in the park, but given the wary nature of the park, sightings are relatively rare.

Characteristics of the coin
Quality Proof
Serie Alpine treasures
Nominal value 50 euros
Design Anna Rastl and Herbert Wähner
Diameter 22.00 mm
Alloy Gold 986
Fine weight 7.78 g / 0.25 oz
Price € 498

The coin is officially issued on February 17.

Alpine Treasures coin series

Just as gold lasts forever, the mighty Alps will rise for eternity. That said, environmental pollution and mass tourism have taken their toll over the past century. Alpine Treasures is a three-coin series that highlights the rare species of plants and animals that are native to the Austrian Alps and showcases the multifaceted nature of Austria's spectacular mountain scenery. In doing so, it offers a beautiful golden view of the monumental peaks of the Hohe Tauern National Park, the lush green valleys of the Kalkalpen and the wild waters of the Gesäuse National Park.

Illustrates the presentation commentary of this series, the first coin issued in 2020, with the name of The Highest Peak.
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