vineri, 3 martie 2023

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Ucraina - 03.03.2023

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The Bank of Ukraine has issued its second commemorative medal, in recent days, dedicated to the city of Okhtirka , a city that bore the brunt of the Russian attack and was surrounded by Russian troops since the first days of the full-scale invasion.

For, despite suffering numerous air raids and missile attacks, the city put up such a fierce and heroic resistance that the enemy failed to capture it. Ojtirka withstood the assault and became an impregnable outpost against the advancing enemy army. Despite intense pressure from the enemy and the destruction of 80% of the city's infrastructure, the people, without heat, water and electricity, found the strength again and again to clear the city of the rubble of the shelling, and thus bring his release closer.

On the obverse of the medal we see, in the upper part, a bright stylized sun with lightning bolts (symbolizing punishment for the invaders), and inside, the small coat of arms of Ukraine, below which there are some geometric shapes representing a bird, symbol of liberation. The following semicircular legends also appear: УКРАЇНА (Ukraine) and ОХТИРКА (Okhtyrka). Below is a stylized composition: we see the city of Ojtirka being shelled by the enemy, on the right, a trace of a missile hitting the town hall, and on the left, a residential building behind which a child plays. In the context of the composition appears the legend 2023/МІСТО/ГЕРОЇВ (2023/city/of heroes), and to the right, the mintmark of the minting and printing works of the NBU banknotes.

While the reverse of the medal shows, on a smooth background, a stylized composition that represents the present seen through the prism of the novel "Tiger Trappers" written by an author born in Okhtyrka. The novel praises courage and the ability to win: a Ukrainian soldier is a modern hunter of predators, and the legends also appear on the medal: СМІЛИВІ (brave people), ЗАВЖДИ (always), МАЮТЬ (to have), and ЩАСТЯ (happiness). ).

Medal Features

Country Ukraine
Series No
Year 2023
Face value No
Metal nickel silver alloy
Weight n/a
Diameter 35mm
Quality BU
Roll 100,000


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