sâmbătă, 27 iunie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Finlanda - 27.06.2020

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Finland plans to issue by the end of the year its second 2-euro coin commemorating 2020. Before doing so, it must do so with the first one dedicated to the "Centennial of the University of Turku", which according to the latest information indicates it will be during the month of September. From the second, dedicated to the "Centenary of the birth of Väinö Linna", considered one of the most influential Finnish writers of the 20th century, we already know the design he will display.

The design of the coin is a stylized composition that reflects the work of Väinö Linna in a textile factory and represents, in addition to his face, letters woven on fabric and threads that run through his books. On the left side, in a semicircle, is her name in capital letters "VvideINÖ LINNA". The year of issue, "2020", the reference to the issuing country, "FI", and the mintmark appear at the bottom, just below the writer. The twelve stars of the European flag appear on the circular crown of the coin.

The issue volume will be 800,000 pieces, the expected date will be during the last four months of 2020.

My thanks to Paul (Euromunter), Rudolf (numisfreund) and Gerhard Schön.

2020 commemorative 2 euro coins

2 euro commemorative coins from Finland

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