miercuri, 22 mai 2024

Noi monede comemorative din Belgia - 22.05.2024

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In Belgium, the new Euroset 2024 in FDC (Flower Die) quality dedicated to the city of Namur has just gone on sale. This is made up of the eight regular Belgian circulation coins with a mint date of the current year, and two more coins of 2.5 euros, previously issued individually and dedicated to the "Year of James Ensor" and "The Bees." .

As a continuation of the series of Eurosets dedicated to Brussels, Antwerp, Liege, Ghent and Eupen, this time it is Namur's turn. Due to its strategic position at the confluence of the Sambre and Meuse rivers, Namur has been the target of numerous offensive actions in the past. Its impressive citadel, which offers spectacular views of the city, is a silent witness to this. Despite a turbulent history of more than 20 centuries, Namur has managed to preserve its heritage. Visitors will quickly realize this when they enter the baroque cathedral of Saint-Aubain, discover the Théâtre Royal or the Musée des Arts Anciens, which houses a splendid religious treasure. A city that is a must-see if you travel to Belgium.

Euroset 2024 FDC

2.5 euro coin dedicated to the Year of James Ensor

The coin shows, in the background, the two central figures of the Belgian artist's work called "The Intrigue." While on the left side of the composition, in relief, we see the famous "Self-portrait with a flower hat." Under the design there is also the signature of the painter Ensor and a reference to the "Year" of James Ensor, since 2024 was declared the year of the artist.

2.5 euro coin dedicated to The Bees

 The coin features a bee and a stylized cherry blossom. In the background is the map of Belgium represented in the form of bee cells. This image becomes more or less visible by changing the position coin.

Additional data

The price of this Euroset in Belgium is 34.95, with an issue volume of 6,000 units.
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