marți, 5 decembrie 2023

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Caraibele de Est - 05.12.2023 - VIDEO

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East Caribbean States new 2-dollar commemorative note (B245a) reported for introduction on 06.12.2023

This note commemorates the 40th anniversary of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.

B245 (PNL): 2 dollars (US$0.75)

Yellow, red, blue, and purple. Front (vertical): English text; conch shell; Central Bank headquarters building; Isaac Vivian Alexander Richards, “The Master Blaster,” wielding cricket bat; 40th anniversary logo; turtles and fish. Back (vertical): English text; fish, coral, and turtles; map of islands; 40th anniversary logo. No security thread. Watermark: None. Printer: (De La Rue). Dimensions unknown. Polymer (Safeguard).

a. No date. Sig. 3: Antoine. Prefix AA. Intro: 06.12.2023. Unconfirmed.

300-dpi scans requested.

Courtesy of Don Ludwig and Stane Straus (

 Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: ECCB Connects


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