miercuri, 16 martie 2022

O nouă monedă comemorativă austriacă din niobiu - 16.03.2022

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Is there anyone out there, or is all life in the universe confined to our tiny "third rock from the sun"? And if we do manage to make contact with aliens, will it be love at first sight or a couple destined for destruction? These and other perennial questions are explored in Extraterrestrial Life, this year's coin from the Austrian Mint's popular Niobium series.

What if there really is someone out there? Making contact with aliens would change our entire concept of the universe. Is this really possible or are these thoughts pure fantasy? Given that we only know a small part of the universe, which comprises about 100 billion galaxies, each with 100 billion stars, it is not surprising that we continue to ask ourselves these questions.

The James Webb Space Telescope, the largest, most powerful and complex space telescope ever built and launched into space, is designed to help us find the answers. The telescope's improved wavelength coverage and greater sensitivity compared to its predecessor, Hubble, will allow Webb to peer much closer to the beginning of time, when the first stars and galaxies began to form, and fundamentally alter our understanding of the universe.

On December 25, 2021, the James Webb Space Telescope was launched into space and after weeks arrived at its interplanetary parking lot, where it will measure the atmospheres of Earth-like planets in other star systems, far from disturbances caused by terrestrial heat. .

Perhaps one day we will discover a civilization much more advanced than our own. What will happen then, will these beings look at us with contempt? Or will they think we earthlings are cool? Will science fiction become reality?

The Webb Telescope is shown on the silver outer ring on the obverse of the coin along with the famous Drake Equation, which aims to calculate the probability of intelligent life in the Milky Way. The violet niobium core is dominated by an alien who holds the earth in his hands like a toy, symbolizing that we might be defenseless against them if they exist.

Some of the factors that could favor life on other planets are represented in the niobium core on the reverse of the coin: carbon dioxide, methane, oxygen, vegetation and water. In the outer ring, Webb is shown capturing an exoplanet passing in front of a star.

Characteristics of the coin

Country Austria
Design Anna Rastl
Year 2022
face value €25
metals Niobium / silver 900
Weight 9g
Diameter 34mm
Quality BU
roll 65,000
The coin has been issued today March 16.

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