joi, 22 aprilie 2021

Noi monede comemorative din Vatican - 22.04.2021

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I am going to recapitulate all the numismatic broadcasts that the Vatican will issue on May 3. They are a total of 6 different articles, which I am going to show you.

Euroset Flower of Cuño 2021

The Vatican City State Mint presents the new series of Euro coins with minted 2021. The series consists of eight values ​​(2 and 1 Euros, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1 cents ), the reverse is common to all countries that belong to the single European currency. On the obverse of all the coins is represented the coat of arms of His Holiness Pope Francis, Sovereign of the Vatican City State, the inscription "Città del Vaticano" and twelve stars.


Issuance volume: 37,000
Subscriber price: € 39

Euroset Flor de Cuño 2021 with a bimetallic 5 euro coin - V Centenary of the death of Pope Leo X

Issuance volume: 8,000
Subscriber price: € 59

Pope Leo X, born as Giovanni di Lorenzo de 'Medici, was the 217th Pope of the Catholic Church from 1513 until his death on December 1, 1521. They were complex and turbulent years, those of the pontificate of Leo X, a highly cultured character and a great humanist, belonging to one of the most influential and powerful Florentine families of his time. Leo X had to manage the Lutheran reform, which culminated in the excommunication of Martin Luther and the Protestant schism, in January 1521, a few months before his death.

He was also a great Pope of the Renaissance, in particular, he supported and appreciated Raphael, who died in 1520, during his pontificate. In those years, Raphael gave eternal proof of his art in the Vatican and made a magnificent portrait of the Pope that is currently kept in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence.

The profile portrait of Marco Ventura is highly effective, inspired by the iconography, including numismatics, of the pontiff; on the back, the shields of Leo X and Francisco, the current Pope, appear.

Eurosets Proof 2021

The series is available in two versions: one with a 20-euro silver coin and the other with a 50-euro gold coin. The first, the work of Gabriel Di Maulo, is inspired by the prayer of Pope Francis in Saint Peter's Square to beg divine help against the pandemic, before the Crucifix of Saint Marcellus, with the Holy Spirit, wet by the rain
that characterized that historical event.

Issuance volume: 4,500
Subscriber price: € 180

The second version contains the 50 euro gold coin, made by Luigi Oldani, which represents elements oriented to a fundamental theme of the pontificate of Francis, that is, respect and care for the Earth, which welcomes us along with all the others. plant and animal species. On the reverse side a clear reference to the encyclical letter Laudato Si ', with plants, animals and water that runs through a mountain and on which a cross predominates.

Issuance volume: 799
Subscriber price: € 1,250

20 euro copper coin - Art and Faith: Saint Peter

The Vatican City State Mint issues the second coin of the theme "Art and Faith", which represents the bronze statue of Saint Peter in the Vatican, the work of Arnolfo di Cambio. This splendid statue is covered every year with the pontifical vestments on the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, on June 29; In the background, you can see the magnificent stained glass window in the apse of St. Peter's Basilica, the work of Gian Lorenzo Bernini.

Issuance volume: 26,500
Price for subscribers: € 20 / € 24.50 in case

Coincard No. 12 Year 2021

The Vatican City State Mint presents Coincard No. 12, a laminated card representing the Holy Father and containing a 50-cent euro coin with a mintage date of 2021.

Issuance volume: 25,000
Subscriber price: € 4


Subscribers will start receiving order forms in a few days. Comment, for those who do not know, that to be able to buy in the Vatican you must be a subscriber. They have a waiting list, but you can write to them regularly until you get it to the following email:
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