luni, 7 februarie 2022

Despre noua monedă de circulație de un euro din Croația - 07.02.2022

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Just a few days ago the designs that will show the Croatian euro coins that will begin to circulate from next January 1, 2023, once the country officially forms part of the eurozone, were presented. These designs were chosen from a public competition organized by the Croatian National Bank. After the designs have been revealed, a huge controversy has arisen, as everything indicates that the design of the 1 euro coin, where a Marta appears, has been plagiarized from a Scottish photographer.

Designer Stjepan Pranjković, who received a prize of 70,000 kuna for his work (just over 9,300 euros), is facing serious accusations of plagiarism. The Martha in the center of the coin is identical in both shape and position to the one photographed by the famous Scottish photographer Iain Leach.

This surprising similarity was detected by users of social networks who warned the photographer. In addition, it has transpired that at the end of August of last year, the designer asked in a Facebook group how to transfer a photo from Photoshop to Illustrator or another program where he could add effects. Pranjković commented “I'm designing some coins and I need lighting effects to get the metallic look in the photo. I've tried it in various ways, but I don't like the way it turns out."

The photographer, for his part, said the following: «I did not know that this photo was taken for the design of the Croatian one euro coin. Yes, it looks like my photo that someone took without me and used it to design a new currency in Croatia. They told me it was for a contest and that the design won. I also heard that the winner received a cash prize. He is a thief, he has won a contest with my photo. I think that those who organized it should withdraw the award and give it to the true author of the image that appears on the coin.

After knowing all this, the Croatian National Bank itself is studying the issue and will report once a decision is made.

Yesterday, February 6 in the evening, the Croatian National Bank announced that the author of the disputed euro coin had contacted them.

“It was a great honor for me to participate in the selection process for the national euro currency. However, encouraged by the unpleasant atmosphere created in the media and social networks, my design of the reverse of a one euro coin with the motif of a Marta, I decided to withdraw my design proposal and waive any rights based on participation in the contest.

I made this decision not to aggravate this situation or contribute to more possible controversies. I am sorry that there have been controversies regarding my work that could harm this important process for the Republic of Croatia. I did not intend to hurt anyone's feelings, so I apologize to everyone, especially the Croatian National Bank, the Croatian government and the Croatian people."

The Croatian National Bank will hold a session today where, among other things, it will deal with Stjepan Pranjković's letter.

We will see what decision is finally made, but it seems unlikely that the design will remain as we know it.

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