marți, 27 iulie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din San Marino - 27.07.2021

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Yesterday the Ufficio Filatelico e Numismatico de San Marino unveiled the motif that represents its second 2 euro commemorative coin of this 2021, dedicated to the "550 anniversary of the birth of Albrecht Dürer". We also already know both the volume and its date of issue.

The image that represents the coin corresponds to the work "Madonna with the Child and a Pear". It is one of Dürer's late works and can therefore be placed at the end of the period in which the artist tirelessly moved from one end of Europe to the other in search of new stimuli and new knowledge. We see as a result the remarkable change in the treatment of the forms, which in this painting are rounded and fully Renaissance

Dürer decreased the size of the pear as the process of making the painting progressed. Despite its small scale, the Madonna is represented in a half bust, in one of the most mature representations of the artist; the child is sitting, although it is not clear where, perhaps on his mother's arm.

The downward gaze of the Virgin shows meditation. The child's gaze is also absorbed and immobile. This devotional image was intended for meditation on the mother of God and on the Passion and Redemption of Christ.

The issuance of the coin is announced for next August 27. The issue volume is 54,000 pieces.

2 euro commemorative coins 2021

2 euro commemorative coins of San Marino


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