joi, 15 iulie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Cipru - 15.07.2021

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We already have the first data and official image of the 2022 common commemorative 2 euro coin dedicated to the "35th Anniversary of the Erasmus Program", which will be issued by one of the member countries of the euro zone. It is about Cyprus, who, apart from the sketch, announces an issue for the coin of 412,000 pieces, 400,000 will be put into circulation in rolls of 25 coins and the other 12,000 will be in presentations for collectors: coincard, capsule and case.

The design work of the general engraver of the Monnaie de Paris, Joaquín Jimenez, is a mixture of two main elements of the Erasmus program: the original intellectual inspiration, Erasmus himself, and the allegory of his influence in Europe. The first is symbolized by one of the best known representations of Erasmus.

The second is symbolized by a bundle of links that crosses the coin from one lighthouse to another, representing the numerous intellectual and human exchanges between European students.

As a reference to Europe, some of these links form other stars, born from the synergy between the countries. Figure 35, for the 35th anniversary, emerges from the stars in a contemporary graphic style.

As I have learned, all countries that issue this common commemorative 2 euro coin are expected to do so in unison during the month of July 2022.

Thanks for the information to colleague Paul (Euromunter)

2 euro commemorative coins 2022

2 euro commemorative coins from Cyprus


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