duminică, 20 iunie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 20.06.2021

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The Demänovská Cave of Freedom is located in Slovakia and is part of the Demänovská Cave System that is more than 41 km long. The cave system stands out for the diversity of structures and stone, which have a great variety of shapes and sizes and a play of colors and tones. There are imposing halls and domes linked by corridors, as well as the Demänovka stream, which is part of the cave system.

The Demänovská Cave of Freedom was discovered in August 1921 by a professor from the country named Alois Král, who entered it through the Demänovka sinkhole. He found an impressive watercourse and a magnificent set of spaces, which made the cave originally receive the name "Temple of Liberty". The life in the cave reflects the presence and quality of the water. Largely because of their importance as a waterfowl biotope and underground wetland, the Demänovská Cave of Freedom and other caves in the Demänovská Valley are included on the List of Wetlands of International Importance under the Convention on Wetlands.

The cave was opened to the public three years after its discovery, it has a length of 8,400 m of which 1,600 are visited. The variety and beauty of its concretions, its spacious underground rooms and the incredible colors that the chemical reactions of iron and manganese print on its walls make it one of the most beautiful caves in Europe.

The Slovak Mint, Mincovňa Kremnica, taking advantage of the centenary of its discovery, has issued a 20-euro facial silver coin for the occasion.

Obverse: On the left is an image of the impressive speleothems of the Demänovská Cave of Freedom. Surrounding this image are examples of the cave's rare fauna: two palpigrades and two beetles from the Duvalius family. On the right is the Slovak coat of arms and, above it, the denomination of the currency "20" and the currency "EURO", one above the other. The name of the issuing country, 'SLOVENSKO', and the year of issue, '2021', are inscribed in the right semicircle.

Reverse: On the right side there is a large circular inset depicting Alois Král crawling into the cave through a dry pond of the Demänovka stream. This image also includes a carbide lamp that emits light rays and, at the bottom, the year "1921" in which the cave was discovered. On the left, the largest part of the design represents the water-sculpted stone formations of the cave, alongside lakes and other structures. At the base is the year "2021". The inscription 'DEMÄNOVSKÁ JASKYŇA SLOBODY' (Demänovská Cave of Freedom) runs along the edge from the center left to the lower right quadrant. On the edge of a lake, in the lower left, are the stylized letters "MP", in reference to the designer of the coin, Mária Poldaufová,

Currency facts

Designer: Mária Poldaufová
Metal: 925 silver
Weight: 33.63 g
Diameter: 40 mm
Country: Slovakia
Mint: Mincovňa Kremnica, š.p.
Tape recorder: Dalibor schmidt
Emission volume: 2,700 BU / 6,450 Proof


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