sâmbătă, 5 iunie 2021

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Peru - 05.06.2021

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A coin has just been issued by the Central Reserve Bank of Peru, to commemorate the Bicentennial of the Peruvian Navy, which is celebrated in 2021. It is a coin composed of one ounce of 925 silver of purity or fineness and a Proof minting quality.

The Navy of Peru is heir to the Navy of the South Sea, created by the Spanish Crown in 1580 in order to maintain the security of the maritime routes. After the independence of Peru, on October 8, 1821, General José de San Martín created the Peruvian Navy, its first General Commander being the then Captain Martín George Guise.

The schooner Sacramento, the first warship and the first ship to fly the flag of Peru, was captured from the Spanish on March 17, 1821 by the brothers Victoriano and Andrés Cárcamo and renamed Castelli.

On the reverse of the coin, in the center, you can see the Unión Sailing School Ship, with its sails spread out on 4 masts. In the upper part the text MARINA DE GUERRA DEL PERÚ is read and on the sides is the Radiant Sun that represents the splendor of the institution. The lower part of the coin shows the phrase BICENTENARIO 1821 - 2021 and a representation of the Ship's Bead Wheel with the inscription “VELA ESCUELA UNIÓN”.

The obverse of the coin features the National Shield, the text BANCO CENTRAL DE RESERVA DEL PERÚ, the year of minting 2021 and the denomination in letters UN SOL.

Characteristics of the coin

Denomination: 1 Sol
Alloy: 925 Silver
Fine weight: 1 troy ounce
Diameter: 37.00 mm
Quality: Proof Edge
: Striated
Year of minting: 2021
Maximum emission: 5 000 units


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