vineri, 16 august 2019

Noi monede comemorative din Slovenia - 16.08.2019

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One more year Slovenia has issued its traditional 3-euro coin of bimetallic type with which it can be paid within the country, outside of there this currency does not have a liberating power. This year is dedicated to the «Centenary of the accession of Transmurania (Prekmurje)». August 17 is a national holiday in Slovenia. That day, a hundred years ago, the Yugoslav army, which had occupied the Slovenian regional territory of Prekmurje and Porabje handed over the territory to the civil authorities. This meant the reunification of the Prekmurje Slovenes with the rest of the nation, after eight centuries of Hungarian rule. 

The coin represents in his legend a quotation from Jožef Klekl the Elder, writer and defender of the Slovenian nation, published on August 17, 1919 in the local Novine newspaper: "Deca ste lüblene slovenske matere" ("You are children of the dear Slovenian mother »). The text is shown between the representation of a stork flying from east to west and thus symbolizing the ephemeris. The stork is one of the most representative symbols of Prekmurje. Also, as the coin designer, Matej Ramšak explains, represents rebirth and protection. 

The reverse of the coin has the simple design of every year, where only the face value «3 euro», the name of the issuing country »Slovenia» and the year of issuance «2019» are shown.

Currency characteristics and issuance data

Face value: 3 euros
Alloy: Brass center, cupronickel ring
Weight: 15 g
Diameter: 32 mm
Emission volume: 51,000 (50,000 BU and 1,000 Proof)

The currency in BU quality can be acquired in Slovenia at its face value.

For the occasion, coins in silver with a face of 30 euros and gold with a face of 100 euros have also been minted, all with the same design.


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