sâmbătă, 28 martie 2020

Piese numismatice antice care au circulat pe teritoriul României în licitațiile Leu Numismatik II - 28.03.2020

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I.MOESIA. Kallatis. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. AE (Bronze, 24 mm, 10.12 g, 1 h). Laureate head of Apollo to right; on neck, countermark: head of Perseus to right, wearing winged Phrygian helmet. Rev. KΑΛΛA-TIANΩN Tripod; to left, grain ear; below, name of magistrate (unreadable). Cf. AMNG I 227-233. A worn coin with an attractive patina and a very charming countermark. Good fine. From a Swiss collection, formed before 2005. Starting price:50 CHF. Hammer price:70 CHF.


II. KINGS OF THRACE. Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 29 mm, 17.10 g, 2 h), Kios, circa 289/8-282/1. Diademed head of Alexander the Great to right with horn of Ammon over his ear; on cheek, countermark of a female head to right with monogram of KA before, all within a circular indent. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated left, holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right hand and leaning with her left arm on shield decorated with lion's head; behind, transverse spear; to outer left, [monogram of ΦΛ]; to inner left, monogram of ME above another monogram; in exergue, small club. Müller -. Thompson 184. Very rare and with an interesting countermark. The reverse with some flatness from countermarking, otherwise, about very fine. The countermark might have been applied by the city of Kallatis sometime in the late 3rd century BC. Starting price:100 CHF. Hammer price:850 CHF.

III. MOESIA. Istros. Late 5th century BC. Drachm (Silver, 19 mm, 6.68 g, 12 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPI Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; all within incuse square. AMNG I 405. SNG BM Black Sea 225-6. Rare. A nicely toned and unusually attractive example of this early issue, struck in very high relief. Two very light scuffs on the reverse, otherwise, good very fine. From a Swiss collection, formed before 2005. Estimate:750 CHF. Starting price:600 CHF. Hammer price:1300 CHF.


IV. MOESIA. Kallatis. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. AE (Bronze, 24 mm, 10.12 g, 1 h). Laureate head of Apollo to right; on neck, countermark: head of Perseus to right, wearing winged Phrygian helmet. Rev. KΑΛΛA-TIANΩN Tripod; to left, grain ear; below, name of magistrate (unreadable). Cf. AMNG I 227-233. A worn coin with an attractive patina and a very charming countermark. Good fine. From a Swiss collection, formed before 2005. Starting price:25 CHF. Hammer price:95 CHF.

V. KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’, 336-323 BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 28 mm, 16.50 g, 1 h), Kallatis, circa 250-225. Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ - AΛEΞANΔPOY Zeus seated left on low throne, holding long scepter in his left hand and eagle standing right with closed wings in his right; in inner left field, ΠAΣ / K; in exergue, grain ear. Gorny & Mosch 241 (2016), 1367 (same dies). Price -, cf. 933 (differing controls). Very rare. About very fine. From an old Swiss collection, formed in the early to mid 20th century. Starting price:75 CHF. Hammer price:155 CHF.

VI. MOESIA. Istros. Late 5th century BC. Drachm (Silver, 21 mm, 6.87 g, 12 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPI Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; all within incuse square. AMNG I 405. SNG BM Black Sea 225-6. Rare and unusually attractive. Struck from slightly worn dies and with some patchy toning, otherwise, good very fine. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Estimate:350 CHF. Starting price:280 CHF. Hammer price:300 CHF.

VII. MOESIA. Kallatis. 3rd-2nd centuries BC. Hemidrachm (Silver, 14 mm, 2.43 g, 9 h). Head of Herakles to right, wearing lion skin headdress. Rev. KAΛΛA Grain ear, club and bow in bowcase. AMNG I 202. SNG BM Black Sea 203-4. Very light scrape on the reverse, otherwise, very fine. From the S. Pozzi Collection, privately purchased from Hess-Divo in 2015. Starting price:25 CHF. Hammer price:85 CHF.

VIII. KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’, 336-323 BC. Stater (Gold, 19 mm, 8.43 g, 7 h), Kallatis, circa 250-225. Head of Athena to right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Nike standing front, head to left, with her wings spread, holding laurel wreath in her right hand and stylis in her left; to left, monogram of KA; below wing, monogram of AKN. Price 914. The obverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, virtually as struck. From a German collection, formed in the early 2000s. Estimate:2500 CHF. Starting price:2000 CHF. Hammer price:2900 CHF.

IX. MOESIA. Istros. Circa 256/5-240 BC. Drachm (Silver, 17 mm, 5.41 g, 12 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPIH Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below, dolphin. AMNG I 416. HGC 3.2, 1804. Nicely toned. Very fine. From a German collection, ex Künker 133, 11 October 2007, 7978. Starting price:25 CHF. Hammer price:95 CHF.

X. MOESIA. Istros. Circa 313-280 BC. Drachm (Silver, 19 mm, 4.93 g, 6 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPIH Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below, uncertain monogram. Cf. HGC 3, 1800 ff. A very sharply struck example. The monogram erased, otherwise, extremely fine. From an American collection, formed in the early 2000s. Starting price:75 CHF. Hammer price:340 CHF.

XI. MOESIA. Istros. Circa 256/5-240 BC. Drachm (Silver, 16 mm, 5.72 g, 6 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPIH Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below, the eagle, Λ. AMNG I -. HGC 3, 1800. A very sharp and attractive coin. Extremely fine. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Starting price:75 CHF. Hammer price:260 CHF.

XII. MOESIA. Istros. Circa 256/5-240 BC. Drachm (Silver, 18 mm, 5.68 g, 9 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPIH Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below, the eagle, Δ; below the dolphin, monogram. AMNG I 432. HGC 3, 1804. A bright and sharp piece. The reverse struck slightly off center, otherwise, extremely fine. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Starting price:50 CHF. Hammer price:220 CHF.

XIII. KINGS OF PONTOS. Mithradates VI Eupator, circa 120-63 BC. Stater (Gold, 19 mm, 8.30 g, 1 h), First Mithradatic War issue, in the name and types of Lysimachos of Thrace. Istros, circa 88-86. Diademed head of Alexander the Great to right, with horn of Ammon over his ear. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ - ΛΥΣΙΜΑΧΟΥ Athena seated left, holding Nike, crowning the king's name, in her right hand and leaning with her left arm on shield decorated with lion's head; in inner left field, ΔI; in exergue, ornate trident to left. Callataÿ p. 139 (D1/R1). SNG Copenhagen 1094 (same dies). A lustrous and nicely toned example. Struck from a slightly worn reverse die, otherwise, good extremely fine. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Starting price:500 CHF. Hammer price:2200 CHF.

XIV. MOESIA. Istros. Circa 256/5-240 BC. Drachm (Silver, 17 mm, 5.97 g, 11 h). Two facing male heads side by side, one upright and the other inverted. Rev. IΣTPIH Sea eagle standing left on dolphin; below, the eagle, Δ; below the dolphin, monogram. AMNG I 432. HGC 3, 1804. A bright and very sharply struck piece. Good extremely fine. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Estimate:250 CHF. Starting price:200 CHF. Hammer price:260 CHF.

XV. KINGS OF MACEDON. Alexander III ‘the Great’, 336-323 BC. Stater (Gold, 17 mm, 8.47 g, 1 h), Kallatis, circa 250-225. Head of Athena to right, wearing Corinthian helmet decorated with a coiled serpent. Rev. AΛEΞANΔΡOΥ Nike standing front, head to left, with her wings spread, holding laurel wreath in her right hand and stylis in her left; to left, K above monogram of PH. Price 909. A superb piece, fully lustrous and very attractive. Very light doubling on the reverse, otherwise, virtually as struck. From a European collection, formed before 2005. Estimate:2500 CHF. Starting price:2000 CHF. Hammer price:2800 CHF.

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