duminică, 22 martie 2020

Despre câteva monede celtice transilvane și geto - dacice din diverse licitații - 22.03.2020

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 I. CELTIC, Carpathian region. Uncertain tribe. Circa 2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24 mm, 8.39 g, 9 h), 'Sattelkopfpferd' type, imitating Philip II of Macedon. Celticized laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. Celticized horse to left within round incuse. Lanz 612. OTA pl. 26, 303.5. Very fine. Starting Price: 50 CHF. Price realized: 120 CHF (Approx. 122 USD / 113 EUR)

II. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Larissa. Mid-late 3rd century BC. AR Tetradrachm (21mm, 13.68 g, 2h). Apollokopf-Dickscrhötling type. Mint in the central Carpathian region. Facing head of Apollo / Plumed horseman riding left; branch below horse. OTA 226/3; KMW 1126. Toned. VF. From the BCD Collection. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 325 USD (Approx. 292 EUR).

III. CELTIC, Carpathian region. Uncertain tribe. Circa 3rd-2nd century BC. Tetradrachm (Silver, 24.5 mm, 13.75 g, 7 h), with the 'Audoleon' monogram, but copying an issue of Philip II. Laureate head of Zeus to right. Rev. garbled inscription Torso of a horseman, one arm raised in salute, riding horse prancing to right; below horse, "monogram of Audoleon". Castelin 1218-1219. CCCBM I 127. Lanz 723. Pink 429. OTA 429/1. Nicely toned and curiously attractive; a very pleasant example. About extremely fine. From the Trausnitz Collection, acquired from Münzhandlung Athena on 4 August 2008, and ex Gemini IV, 8 January 2008, 9. Estimate: 750 CHF. Price realized: 1,400 CHF (Approx. 1,416 USD / 1,287 EUR).

IV. Continental Celtic Coins, Danubian District, Geto-Dacians (mid to late 3rd Century BC), silver tetradrachm, facing head of Apollo, rev horseman riding left, 12.95g, 11h (Lanz 537; De La Tour 9692), cabinet tone, about very fine (100-150 GBP). Price realized: 130 GBP (Approx. 168 USD / 151 EUR).

V. EASTERN EUROPE, Imitations of Philip II of Macedon. 3rd century BC. AR Tetradrachm (27mm, 13.87 g, 5h). Huşi-Vovrieşti (Dacian-Moldavien) type. Mint in central Dacia. Stylized laureate head of Zeus left / Stylized youth on horseback right. Preda pl. XXVII, 9–10; cf. OTA 37/1; KMW –. Lightly toned, test cut and bankers' marks. Fine. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 60 USD (Approx. 54 EUR).

VI. L. Flaminius Chilo. 109-108 BC. AR Serrate Denarius (19mm, 3.68 g, 8h). Geto-Dacian imitation(?). Uncertain mint. Helmeted head of Roma right; X (mark of value) below chin / Victory driving galloping biga right, holding reins and wreath. For prototype: cf. Crawford 302/1; cf. Sydenham 540; cf. Flaminia 1. Toned, a few light marks and scratches. VF. Ex Wayne Phillips MBS 53 (25 October 2003), lot 857. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 200 USD (Approx. 184 EUR).

VII. Geto-Dacian Hybrid Imitation of Republican AR mitating obverse type of Q. Sicinius and C. Coponius. Denarius Types. I Uncertain mint, imitating Rome, after 90 BC, AR 17.8mm., 3.08g. Diademed head of Apollo right, XVI monogram below, III VIR behind, Q. SICINIV[S] before / Figure on horse riding left, holding shield(?); CAESAR(retrograde) in exergue. Cf. Crawford 444/1a (for prototype of obv.). Very Fine. Ex Roma Numismatics E-sale 61, 580. Starting Price: 50 GBP. Price realized: 260 GBP (Approx. 347 USD / 311 EUR).

VIII. CELTIC, Lower Danube. Geto-Dacians. Denarius (Silver, 18 mm, 3.75 g, 1 h), imitating an obverse of C. Naevius Balbus and a reverse of Lucius Appuleius Saturninus, after 83-82 BC. Laureate head of Jupiter to right; behind, NC (sic!). Rev. L•SATVRΛ Saturn driving quadriga to right, holding reins in his left hand and harpa in his right; below the horses, X between two pellets. Cf. CNG E-Auction 376 (2016), 285 (cruder style). For prototype, cf. Crawford 382/1 (obverse) and 317/1 (reverse). An interesting and attractive piece. Very fine. Starting Price: 50 CHF. Price realized: 220 CHF (Approx. 223 USD / 201 EUR).

IX. D. Silanus L.f & C. Norbanus. After 83 BC. AR Denarius (17.5mm, 2.92 g, 12h). Geto-Dacian imitation(?). Uncertain mint. Diademed head of Venus right; CXXXXV to left / Victory driving galloping biga right, holding whip and palm frond. For prototypes: cf. Crawford 337/1b and Crawford 357/1a & b. Lightly toned, some porosity. VF. Estimate: 100 USD. Price realized: 150 USD (Approx. 136 EUR).

X. Eastern Europe. Geto-Dacians 200-100 BC. Imitations of Roman Republican Denarius AR 18 mm., 3,29 g. Helmeted head of Roma right; X (mark of value) behind / Victory(?) in triga right, uncertain legend below horses, symbol above. very fine Starting Price: 75 EUR. Price realized: 160 EUR (Approx. 177 USD).

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