duminică, 1 martie 2020

Despre cel mai mare tezaur roman format din monede de aur - 01.03.2020

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The largest treasure of Roman gold coins so far was found on September 9, 1993 in the city of Trier. It is the oldest city in Germany, which was founded in 15 BC. by the Roman Emperor Octavian Augustus, next to the shrine of the Treveri tribe, hence the name of the city - "August Treverorum". As it often happens in such cases, the treasure was found during works during the construction of the underground garage. The excavator tore the container apart and scattered its contents, only after some time the workers noticed the first coins they had collected. One of them returned to the place of discovery at night. He was an amateur seeker Erich Eixner, with the help of his metal detector he found the greater part of the treasure, which he then reported to the authorities. The treasure consists of 2750 gold coins (aureuses), try gold 980, the total mass of this treasure was a trifle 18.5 kg of gold! I found myself in a leather sack, which in turn was hidden in a bronze vessel. Almost all aureuses found in Trier were minted in the mint in the Roman Empire.The two oldest numismats having the image of Emperor Nero date from the period before the monetary reform in 63-64 CE. The youngest of all coins discovered is the golden aureus of Septimius Severus, minted in the period from 193 to 196 AD.

Sursa informațiilor Club Metal Detect ROMAN.

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