marți, 27 decembrie 2022

Noi seturi numismatice din Croația - 27.12.2022

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The Bank of Croatia announces the issuance of two sets of coins in special presentations for collectors, containing the last series of its hitherto national currency, the Kuna, before its entry into the euro.

As I said, there are two different presentations, the first will be put on sale at the beginning of January and the other a couple of weeks later.

Croatian coins with mint date 2022

 Although the description that the Bank of Croatia itself gives about this set of coins does not speak of its quality being Proof, apparently from the images shown it seems that they are.

Its composition is the nine regular circulation coins (5, 2 and 1 kuna and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lipa) in superior quality, dated 2022.

It will go on sale at the beginning of 2023, its price in Croatia will be around 25 euros and its circulation is limited to a maximum of 50,000 units.

Last coins in Croatian Kunas in portfolio


On the occasion of the last year of issuance of the kuna, the Croatian Mint will issue a limited edition of kuna coins minted in 2022.

Its composition is the nine regular circulation coins in BU quality (5, 2 and 1 kuna and 50, 20, 10, 5, 2 and 1 lipa) dated 2022.

This portfolio has an issuance volume of 2,000 units and will be issued during the second half of January 2023. I do not know its sale price in Croatia for now.
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