vineri, 25 ianuarie 2019

Programul numismatic al Maltei pe anul 2019 - 25.01.2019

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On January 18, 2019, the Central Bank of Malta announced its Numismatic Program for this year. The program adapts to a wide range of collectors, with products ranging from a limited edition gold coin to 2 euro commemorative coins. The 2019 coin program includes the following products:

A numismatic issue of gold and silver coins within the framework of the Europe Program with the theme "Renaissance". These coins will have the Great Carracca of the Order of San Juan. This was a warship that not only represented the ultimate in naval design at that time, but also announced the arrival of the Order of St. John to Malta in 1530. In many respects, one could say that this historic milestone has led to Medieval Malta to a closer contact with the European Renaissance. The coins are expected to be issued in March 2019.

A set of euro coins dated 2019 which consists of the eight Maltese euro circulation coins together with a 2 euro commemorative coin, with the temples of Ta 'Ħaġrat, which are located in Mġarr. It is expected that this set will be issued in May 2019.

A gold and silver coin commemorating the centenary of the riots of the 'Sette Giugno' (June 7), 1919. This event, which cost the lives of at least four people, took place in the context of an acute crisis economic and social It is considered an important milestone in Malta's colonial political history. The gold coin will be a special edition coin limited to only 100 pieces. Both currencies are expected to be issued in June 2019.

A commemorative 2 euro coin with the temples of Ta 'Ħaġrat. This will be the fourth of a series of seven coins with Maltese prehistoric structures listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The coin will be issued in rolls, which contain 25 coins each, as well as individually in coincards. It is expected that this issue of currencies will be available in July 2019.

A commemorative coin of 2 euros with the theme "Nature and environment", with the winning design of a contest held among high school students. The currency will be issued in rolls of 25 coins each, as well as individually in coin cards. It is expected that this currency will be issued in October 2019.

A silver coin commemorating the 150 th anniversary of the Suez Canal. The Canal was inaugurated in 1869 and placed Malta on the imperial route from Great Britain to India and beyond. In the age of the steam-powered ship, Malta became an important coal station for ships operating to and from Suez. It is expected that this currency will be issued in November 2019.

According to the information provided, which you can check in its different boxes, in the 2 euro commemorative coins it is repeated, as in previous years, that those issued in coincard will have the mint mark of the Monnaie de Paris, while the issued in rolls no.

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