marți, 21 noiembrie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă franceză - 21.11.2017

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The Monnaie de Paris has just confirmed to me via e-mail that finally it will issue the commemorative 2 euro coin dedicated to celebrate the Centennial of the end of the First World War in 2018. I can not give you any more information about why it was first canceled and now it is reprogrammed I wrote several emails, with different questions about this currency that have not been answered, just today I received a newsletter sent regularly, in which confirms again its issue. 

Finally it seems that in 2018 will issue this currency "Le Bleuet de France" (The Cornflower of France) on February 5 and on date to confirm the dedicated to "Simone Veil". What supposes that finally the canceled currency is the one that was going to be dedicated to the "150 anniversary of the birth of Edmond de Rostand".

Remind yourself about this currency that on February 5, 2018 is the expected date of issuance. The coins in BU and Proof quality will be issued colored. The total volume of issue is 10 million coins, of which 10,000 will be in BU quality and another 10,000 in Proof quality.

The coin represents the Bleuet or cornflower flower in the center, surrounded by the inscriptions "Le Bleuet de France, fleur de mémoire et de solidarité". The dates 1918 - 2018 commemorating the centenary of the end of the First World War the letters RF (French Republic) and the mint marks. The coin has been designed by Joaquin Jimenez.

2 commemorative coins 2018

2 commemorative coins of France
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