vineri, 20 decembrie 2024

Începând cu anul 1920, în comuna Colți, din județul Buzău, a început exploatarea organizată a chihlimbarului


Începând cu anul 1920, în comuna Colți, din județul Buzău, a început exploatarea organizată a chihlimbarului, producția medie la un metru de galerie fiind de aproximativ 500 grame. În epocă, prețul chihlimbarului era de 3000 lei/kg. Timp de 10 ani, la Colți, s-au extras în mod sistematizat aproximativ 2000 kg de chihlimbar. În comună exista, de asemenea, și un atelier de prelucrare și șlefuire a chihlimbarului unde lucrau mai mulţi săteni, sub coordonarea inginerului Dumitru Grigorescu, concesionarul terenurilor ambrifere din judeţul Buzău.

podoabe de ambră, din patrimoniul Muzeului Chihlimbarului, ce pot fi admirate în expoziția de bază;

Programul de vizitare este de miercuri până duminică, între orele 9:00 - 17:00. Ultimul vizitator intră la ora 16:15. Luni și marți, închis.

Vă așteptăm la muzeu! 


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul Chihlimbarului.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Slovacia - 20.12.2024

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The Bank of Slovakia has released new information and images of the commemorative 2 euro coin that it will issue on 20 January under the name “100th Anniversary of the First International Sports Tournament in Slovakia – European Ice Hockey Championship”.

In 1925, the European Ice Hockey Championship was held in Štrbské Pleso / Starý Smokovec in what was then Czechoslovakia, which was also the winner of the tournament, a competition in which only four countries participated: Austria, Belgium, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia.

The design of the coin, as in other cases, was born from a competition organized by the Bank of Slovakia. Ten creative proposals from eight authors were submitted to the competition, and the one proposed by Karol Liček was chosen.

The design is dominated by the figure of a hockey player in motion. The background of the landscape is divided into a horizontal strip of vegetation, and above it stand the Tatra Mountains, which are divided into two parts by the silhouette of the player.

The Slovak Mint, Mincovňa Kremnica, has minted one million of these coins, of which, except for 5,000 in Proof quality, the rest are intended for circulation. The announced issue date is 20 January 2025.

Slovakia 2 euro commemorative coins

2 euro commemorative coins 2025


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O nouă monedă comemorativă din Peru - 20.12.2024

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Peru 1 sol 2024 - Pre-Columbian ceramics - Moche culture

New circulating commemorative:

"2nd coin from the new Pre-Columbian ceramics series: Moche culture"


Composition: copper-nickel-zinc
Diameter: 25.50 mm
Weight: 7.32 g
Mintage: 10 million

(news from David Velarde and Juozapas Žygas)
(image from

LINK: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú


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Noi bancnote de pe mapamond CCXCVII - 20.12.2024

 I. 20 lire sterline Irlanda de Nord


II. 1.000 peso Cuba


III. 5.000 togrog Mongolia


IV. 100 peso Filipine


V. 100 peso Filipine


VI. 10.000 franci Africa de Vest - Coasta de Fildeș


Despre câteva monede americane rare și foarte valoroase - 20.12.2024 - VIDEO


Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: World Numismatic News

miercuri, 18 decembrie 2024

Pedicuţa este o plantă perenă, din familia Lycopodiaceae - VIDEO


Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Complexul Muzeal Ion Borcea Bacau


Pedicuţa este o plantă perenă, din familia Lycopodiaceae, cu tulpini târâtoare de 1-2 m, pe care sunt prinse ramuri secundare orientate în sus, cu înălţimea de 5-15 cm. Este răspândită în toată Europa, cea mai mare parte a Asiei şi America, dar şi în unele zone din Africa tropicală. În ţara noastră, creşte sporadic pe coastele dealurilor, prin păduri umbroase şi păşuni umede, mlaştini sau turbării, în etajul fagului şi cel al molidului, la altitudini de peste 600 m.
Frunzele pedicuţei sunt mici ca nişte solzişori, ascuţite la vârf, terminate cu perişori transparenţi aseamănându-se cu muşchiul de pământ sau cu o cetină de brad. Ramurile verticale fertile se termină cu 2 sau 3 spice florifere. Sporii sunt foarte fini şi galbeni formându-se în sporangii (organe în formă de sac) în perioada iulie-septembrie.
Acestă plantă este utilizată în mai multe domenii, inclusiv în medicină şi industria farmaceutică. În trecut, tulpinile plantei se fierbeau pentru colorarea lânii în verde.

Material realizat de: muzeograf IA dr. Ardei Irina-Mădălina


Sursa informațiilor Observatorul Astronomic „Victor Anestin” Bacău.

Perușul călugăr (Myopsitta monachus) - VIDEO


Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Complexul Muzeal Ion Borcea Bacau


Exponatul lunii decembrie 2024 la Vivariul Bacău

Perușul călugăr (Myopsitta monachus)

Perușul călugăr, cunoscut şi sub denumirea de perușul Quaker (Myiopsitta monachus), reprezintă o specie de papagal ce este tratată de cele mai multe ori ca unic membru al genului Myiopsitta. 

Material realizat de conservator Emil Corduneanu.

Sursa informațiilor Complexul Muzeal de Ştiinţele Naturii "Ion Borcea" Bacău.

Mărturii creștine din Dobrogea antică – Crucea din calcar descoperită la Callatis, ridicată în amintirea episcopului Stefanus


Mărturii creștine din Dobrogea antică – Crucea din calcar descoperită la Callatis, ridicată în amintirea episcopului Stefanus/ Christian testimonies from ancient Dobrogea – The limestone cross discovered at Callatis, erected in memory of Bishop Stefanus

Crucea de calcar cochilifer a fost descoperită la Mangalia în vara anului 1960, cu ocazia unor lucrări de sistematizare a oraşului, în zona în care a fost construit noul Spital balnear. Artefactul se păstrează fragmentar, fiind rupt în două bucăţi și poartă pe cele două fețe, o inscripţie în lumba greacă (a), iar pe cealaltă, una în limba latină (b). Monumentul epigrafic a fost datat de către specialiști, în secolul al VI-lea p. Chr.
Fața A: Φῶ[ς] / Ζωή
Traducere (IGLR 91): Lumină – Viață
Fața B: Hic / fa/cta / est // ora/tio episcoporum / Ste/fa/ni [ ].
Traducere (IGLR 91): „Aici s-a făcut rugăciune spre pomenirea episcopilor Ştefan ...”
Crucea a fost ridică în amintirea episcopului Stefanus, iar termenul de oratio se referă la rugăciunea oficiată spre amintirea personajului amintit. Din izvoarele creștine timpurii știm că episcopii defuncți sunt amintiți în rugăciunile pe care biserica le făcea în amintirea celor decedați. De asemenea sintagma Φῶ[ς] / Ζωή se regăsește pe inscripțiile funerare și prin urmare, piesa este o piatră funerară ridicată în locul unde, cel mai probabil, se afla mormântul episcopului.
Importanța inscripției constă în faptul că atestă unul dintre episcopii provinciei Scythia în secolul al VI-lea p. Chr.. Ultimele studii au arătat faptul că această provincie a avut un statut aparte din punct de vedere al organizării ecleziastice, cu mai multe episcopii. De asemenea, este important de menționat și faptul că pietrele funerare în formă de cruce, apar și încep să fie folosite cu precădere, odată cu secolul al VI-lea p. Chr.
Odată cu prezentarea acestei comori, păstrate în depozitele Muzeului de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța, lăsăm în urmă anul 2024 și ne pregătim pentru anul nou, care ne bate la ușă.
Cu această ocazie, colectivul Muzeului de Istorie Națională și Arheologie din Constanța, urează tuturor prietenilor săi: Sărbatori Fericite alături de cei dragi și un an nou fericit și plin de împliniri, iar pentru toți cei care îsi sărbătoresc numele în data de 27 decembrie, la mulți ani fericiți și sănătoși!
Tuturor, vă mulțumim pentru susținere și pentru vizite și vă așteptăm la toate activitățile muzeului din 2025, online sau la noul sediu din strada Arhiepiscopiei, nr. 7.

The shell limestone cross was discovered in Mangalia in the summer of 1960, during some systematization works of the city, in the area where the new Spa Hospital was built. The artifact is preserved fragmentarily, being broken into two pieces and bearing on both sides, an inscription in Greek (a), and on the other, one in Latin (b). The epigraphic monument was dated by specialists to the 6th century AD.
Side A: Φῶ[ς] / Ζωή
Translation (IGLR 91): "Light - Life".
Side B: Hic / fa/cta / est // ora/tio episcoporum / Ste/fa/ni [ ].
Translation (IGLR 91): "Here, a prayer/oration was made for the bishops Stefanus, ...".
The cross was erected in the memory of Bishop Stefanus, and the term oratio refers to the prayer officiated in memory of the person mentioned. From early Christian sources we know that deceased bishops are remembered in the prayers made by the church, in memory of the deceased. Also, the phrase Φῶ[ς] / Ζωή is found on funerary inscriptions and therefore, the artefacts is a tombstone erected in the place where, most likely, the bishop's tomb was located.
The importance of the inscription lies in the fact that it attests one of the bishops of the province of Scythia in the 6th century AD. Recent studies have shown that this province had a special status in terms of ecclesiastical organization, with several bishoprics. It is also important to mention that cross-shaped tombstones appear and begin to be used mainly with the 6th century AD.
With the presentation of this particular subject, kept and preserve by the Museum of National History and Archaeology in Constanta, we leave behind the year 2024 and prepare for the new year, which is knocking to our door.
On this occasion, the entire team of the Museum of National History and Archaeology in Constanta wishes to all of its friends: Happy Holidays with your loved ones and a happy and fulfilling new year, and for all those who celebrate their name on December 27, a happy and healthy New Year!
To all of you, we are grateful and thank you for your support and visits, and we look forward to see you in all the museum's activities from 2025, online or at the new headquarters from Arhiepiscopiei Street, no. 7.

Bibliografie/ Bibliography:
Barnea, I., Christian Art in Romania, vol. 1: 3rd-6th Centuries, București 1979, pp. 102-103, pl. 33.
IGLR 91 – Inscripţiile greceşti şi latine din secolele IV–XIII descoperite în România, E. Popescu (ed.), București, 1976.
Moreau, D., To baptise in Late Antiquity – An unfounded episcopal prerogative. Some Remarks Inspired by the ”Scythian” Case, Rivista Di Archeologia Cristiana, 98/1, 2022, pp. 98-121

Curatori/ Curators:
Radu Petcu – Cercetător științific
Ștefan Viorel Georgescu - Arheolog


Sursa informațiilor Muzeul de Istorie Națională și Arheologie Constanța.

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Lituania - 18.12.2024

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In the first quarter of 2025, the Bank of Lithuania will issue its first commemorative 2 euro coin of the year under the name “Defence of the Lithuanian State”. The coin’s design is the result of a design competition held for the occasion, in which the participants were asked to: “The theme of the defence of the Lithuanian state against foreign armed attacks should be reflected on the coin through artistic means.”

The winning design has already been selected and will be represented on the new coin. I show you the design below thanks to our colleague Paul (Euromunter).

The obverse of the commemorative coin, dedicated to defence, depicts the contours of Lithuania. The state borders are surrounded by a barrier of stylised thorns, resembling a hedgehog, which symbolises the concept of comprehensive defence of the whole society. The image of the hedgehog also represents the openness and fragility of free societies, which must be defended as much as possible against external threats. Lithuania is presented as a hedgehog that is always ready to defend itself. In the centre of the obverse there is the inscription “LIETUVA” (LITHUANIA), the year of issue (2025) and the mint mark of the Lithuanian Mint.

This coin will have an emission volume of 1,000,000 pieces, 990,0000 will be distributed in rolls of 25 coins and another 10,000 in BU quality will be in coincard.

On the issue of currency – Defense of the Lithuanian State against Foreign Armed Attacks

Lithuania, one of the three Baltic republics, is strategically located in Eastern Europe, bordering Russia and Belarus, two powers that have played a key role in shaping its history and defence policies. Since its independence in 1990 following the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Lithuania has worked hard to build a defence system that guarantees its sovereignty and the security of its population against potential foreign armed threats.

Lithuania’s location makes it a crucial point for the stability of Eastern Europe. It shares a border with the Russian exclave of Kaliningrad and with Russia’s ally Belarus, which puts it in a vulnerable position in the face of geopolitical tensions. These conditions have worsened since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014 and the subsequent war in Ukraine.

Fear of possible foreign aggression has led Lithuania to strengthen its defence capabilities. In addition, the Suwałki Corridor, a narrow strip of land connecting Lithuania to Poland, is considered a potential strategic target in the event of a conflict, as it separates Kaliningrad from Belarus.

Lithuania has consistently increased its military spending, exceeding the 2% of GDP recommended by NATO. This budget is earmarked for the modernization of its army, the purchase of advanced weaponry and the improvement of military infrastructure.

Lithuania joined NATO in 2004, which marked a milestone in its defence strategy. This membership guarantees protection under Article 5 of the Washington Treaty, which states that an attack against one member is considered an attack against all. In addition, the country actively participates in joint military exercises, such as “Defending Europe” and “Baltops”, strengthening interoperability with allied forces.

In response to tensions with Russia, NATO has deployed multinational forces to the Baltic states. In Lithuania, a German-led battalion is operating as part of the Alliance's forward deployment, offering deterrence against potential aggression.

In 2015, Lithuania reintroduced compulsory military service as a direct response to perceived threats in the region. This programme has strengthened the pool of trained soldiers and fostered civic engagement with national defence.

In addition to physical threats, Lithuania faces risks in cyberspace, especially attacks targeting critical infrastructure and disinformation campaigns. Accordingly, it has developed advanced cybersecurity capabilities and works closely with international partners to strengthen its resilience in this area.

The defence of the Lithuanian state does not fall exclusively on its armed forces, but on society as well. The government has promoted civic and defence education programmes, encouraging citizens to take part in emergency preparedness exercises and join organisations such as the Lithuanian Rifle Union, a voluntary defence force.

Despite progress, Lithuania faces significant challenges, including reliance on imported military equipment, proximity to hostile actors, and the need to maintain internal cohesion in a context of hybrid threats. However, its focus on international cooperation, modernization of its armed forces, and social mobilization strengthens its ability to deter and respond to potential attacks.

In conclusion, the defence of the Lithuanian state is a national priority that combines a comprehensive strategy of military preparedness, international alliances and citizen mobilisation. As tensions in Eastern Europe persist, Lithuania will continue to strengthen its position as a bastion of stability and resilience in the region.

2 euro commemorative coins 2025

2 euro commemorative coins from Lithuania


Sursa informațiilor aici.

Noi monede comemorative din Finlanda - 18.12.2024

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We already know the motifs of the two commemorative 2 euro coins that Finland will issue in 2025, the first to be issued by the Helsinki Mint, which will take over responsibility for minting the country's official coins from next year. Behind this new brand is the Koninklijke Nederlandse Munt (KNM) of the Netherlands.

2 Euro Coin cc – State Visits of Finland – Diplomacy and Foreign Policy

Fantasy design created by Visual Numismatics

Finland's state visits represent a fundamental pillar of its diplomacy and foreign policy. As a Nordic country with a strong tradition of international cooperation, Finland uses these official visits to strengthen bilateral relations, promote political and economic dialogue, and reaffirm its commitment to democratic values ​​and global peace.

Through these visits, Finnish leaders, such as the President of the Republic and government representatives, meet with heads of state and international leaders. These occasions allow them to address key issues such as trade, security, climate change and technological innovation – areas where Finland stands out as a global leader.

Furthermore, state visits reflect Finland's diplomatic identity, characterised by consensus-building, respect for international law and the promotion of multilateral cooperation. In a changing global context, these actions consolidate Finland's position as a reliable and active player on the international scene, contributing to the development of sustainable solutions and the strengthening of strategic partnerships.

2 euro coin cc – Centenary of the Finland-Sweden athletics competition

Fantasy design created by Visual Numismatics

The annual international athletics competition between Sweden and Finland, known as the “Sweden-Finland Meeting” or “Finnkampen” in Swedish and “Ruotsi-ottelu” in Finnish, is one of the oldest and most prominent sporting rivalries in European athletics. The first meeting was held in 1925, and since 1945 it has been held annually, with the exception of the Olympic year in Helsinki in 1952.

This event pits the men's and women's national teams of both countries against each other in various athletic disciplines, accumulating points based on the positions obtained in each event. The venue of the event alternates each year between both countries, taking place in iconic stadiums such as the Helsinki Olympic Stadium and the Stockholm Olympic Stadium.

The Sweden-Finland Meet is not only a sporting competition, but also a celebration of the friendship and historic rivalry between the two Nordic nations, attracting numerous fans and fostering the development of athletics in the region.

Dates and volumes of issue

The first coin, “Finland State Visits – Diplomacy and Foreign Policy”, will be issued in May 2025, and the second coin, “Finland-Sweden 100th Anniversary of Athletics Competition”, will be issued in autumn 2025. No details have been provided regarding the issuing volumes. 

2 euro commemorative coins 2025

2 euro commemorative coins from Finland
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