joi, 29 octombrie 2020

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Turcia - 29.10.2020

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Turkey celebrates this year the centenary of the founding of its Grand National Assembly or Parliament. Founded in Ankara on April 23, 1920, during the Turkish War of Independence, it paved the way for the founding of the Republic of Turkey.

To celebrate this important event, a commemorative coin has been issued for circulation, of the bimetallic type with a face of 1 Turkish lira.

The Grand National Assembly is made up of 600 members who are elected for a five-year term. To avoid a parliament without a majority and with excessive political fragmentation, only the parties that obtain at least 10% of the votes cast at the national level in parliamentary legislative elections have the right to representation.

The building that first housed the Turkish Assembly was the Ankara headquarters of Union and Progress, the political party that overthrew Sultan Abdul Hamid II in 1909 in an effort to bring democracy to the Ottoman Empire. It is currently used as the premises of the Museum of the War of Independence. The second building that housed the Parliament has also been converted into a museum, the Museum of the Republic. The Grand National Assembly is now housed in an imposing modern building in Ankara.

While on one of its sides the coin shows an image of one of the buildings that housed the Great National Assembly for the first time, the other shows the side common to all circulation coins with the face of 1 lira, in which it varies the year of issue, in this case 2020.

Characteristics of the coin

Face value: 1 Turkish lira
Type: bimetallic
Diameter: 26.15 mm
Weight: 8.3 g
Emission volume: unknown
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