sâmbătă, 19 mai 2018

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Portugalia - 18.05.2018

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Next Monday, May 22, the first commemorative 2-euro coin from Portugal is officially issued in 2018 dedicated to the "250 Years of the National Press". I show you a good image of the coin designed by Eduardo Aires and the presentations of this in the qualities BU and Proof.

«Or fim dete estabelecimento é or to encourage letters and raise a useful impression to the public pelas suas produções». This was read on the delivery note of December 24, 1768, written by the Marquis of Pombal and signed by King Joseph, who founded the Impressão Régia or Regia Taller Tipográfica, later (1833) designated Imprensa Nacional .
Since the time of Queen Maria I, the National Press was responsible for the publication of the Gazette of Lisbon, predecessor of the current Official Gazette, the official newspaper of the country, currently published and made available electronically as a public service and free universal access, making known the acts that govern the life of Portuguese society.

Issuance volume: 520,000 in total (10,000 BU and 10,000 Proof)
Issuance date: May 22

Of the 520,000 coins issued, 500,000 are distributed in the Banks of Portugal, the rest are put up for sale in wallets, 10,000 in BU quality and another 10,000 in Proof quality.

Presentation coin Proof

Presentation Currency BU
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