miercuri, 16 noiembrie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă portugheză - 16.11.2016

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Yesterday November 15 last coin of Portugal for the year 2016 was issued, the currency belonging to the Ethnography Portuguese Series, is dedicated to the ceramics Barcelos, which highlights his famous rooster, one of the most emblematic of the country 's symbols.The coin with face euros 2.5 is available in two versions with the same design, minted in cupro at face value and other minted in silver at a price of around 45 euros.

The obverse of the coin shows several silhouettes Barcelos rooster, rooster has its own legend since the sixteenth century, which reads:

They say that a Galician pilgrim route to Compostela was charged, passing by Barcelos, a crime he did not commit and was sentenced to the gallows.

In a final appeal, he requested a meeting with the judge who issued the sentence and that he received when he was about to eat a roast rooster. The accused swore that, as proof of his innocence, the rooster would rise and sing dish.

The judge did not believe him, but when the prisoner was to be hanged, the cock stood up and sang. Having realized their mistake, the judge ran to the gallows and discovered that the pilgrim was saved thanks to a badly made knot in the rope with which was to be hanged.

The reverse has other ceramic figures are also typical of the city, being able to find these in the markets of artisans in Barcelos.

The figures are modeled by hand, painted with bright colors and glazed. Sometimes they recreate the daily life of rural areas, with farmers, oxen, marching bands, nativity scenes, priests, processions, the rooster with hen ligand, etc. Others are inspired by the popular imagination and local legends. The source of inspiration are the dreams, fears, mysteries, and the forces of good and evil. So witches and werewolves arise and whistles for children represent devils, devils and other strange creatures.

Characteristics of coins

Author: Baiba Sime
Face value: 2.5 euros
Metal: Cupronickel / 925
Diameter: 28,00 mm
Circulation: 75,000 / 3,000
Weight: 10 g / 12 g
Price: € 2,50 / 45,51 €
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