vineri, 13 octombrie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă rusească - 13.10.2017

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On September 29 the Bank of Russia issued a 25 ruble currency, with liberating power within the country, dedicated to children, in which a message is sent to give them a good education and above all to make them very happy in his childhood. 

The reverse side of the coin shows the raised image of a child sitting next to a cub, with the rays of sun in the background, above along the edge the inscription "ДАРИ ДОБРО ДЕТЯМ" (Give the good to the children). 

The obverse of the coin shows an embossed image of the coat of arms of the Russian Federation, the inscription in semicircle "РОССИЙСКАЯ ФЕДЕРАЦИЯ" (Russian Federation). Below the inscriptions in three lines: "БАНК РОССИИ" (Bank of Russia), the value of the currency "25 РУБЛЕЙ" (25 RUBLOS), the year of issue "2017". The mint mark is shown on the right.

Currency Features

Alloy: Cupronickel
Diameter of the coin: 27 mm
Issue volume: 50,000
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