marți, 24 octombrie 2017

Despre o monedă comemorativă belgiană de 2 euro care valorează 6.000 euro - 23.10.2017

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A great exclusive is the one that brings us today the companion Paul (Euromunter) , who tells us an unprecedented fact within the 2 euro commemorative coins, and within coin collecting of any era, not for the price reached by the coin that we are going to see, but because we can stand before a single currency in the literal sense of the word.

Let's start by knowing the history of this peculiar currency


In 2015 Belgium intended to issue a commemorative 2-euro coin dedicated to the "200 Years of the Battle of Waterloo", in fact it had begun with coin minting even when the individual member countries of the European Commission had approved the subject (something obligatory for the currencies that circulate by the Eurozone). Apparently they were already coined about 180,000 when France vetoed it, arguing that commemorating the defeat of Napoleon, made at the Battle of Waterloo, could be offensive to the French people. The Belgian Mint was obliged, apart from not being able to issue the coin, to destroy all that already had coined. 

The surprise
Yesterday our colleague Euromunter, found in a Dutch website sales one of these currencies, which should not exist, for the "modest" price of 5,995 euros. Within hours the coin had already been sold.
The selling price is expensive or cheap ?. Only time will tell, if no other appears, I think it is a bargain, if they start to appear many more can be a ruinous investment.

Those who follow Numismatic Visual know that the Mint of Belgium will cease its activity in its work of minting coins at the end of 2017, because it is no longer profitable to continue doing so by this public body, a task that is expected to happen to a private company , or to another Mint where the price of production is lower.

The hypotheses of the appearance of this coin are several, but I think all linked to the closure of the Belgian mint. It may be that the Mint itself may have taken them out the "back door" to make some money, that has been done by a manager at a particular level, or even that some of the workers, who will soon be unemployed, have could be made with some knowing the value they can achieve.

In short, everything is hypothesis that will surely never be cleared.
Sursa informaţiilor aici.

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