joi, 7 aprilie 2016

O nouă serie comemorativă din Mongolia - 06.04.2016

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Late last year Coin Invest Trust launched the first two coins of a new Evolution of Life series produced for Mongolia: a 38.61 mm, 1 oz .999 fine silver 500 togrog and a 11 mm, 0.5 g .9999 fine gold 1000 togrog. Mintages are 999 and 15,000, respectively.

The silver coin of Mongolia’s new Evolution of Life series celebrate amazing ammonites in high-relief. The silver has an antiqued finish. Images courtesy Coin Invest Trust.

Both have been struck by B. H. Mayer Kunstprägeanstalt in high relief. Both feature extinct ammonites, close relatives of the octopus and squid.

For 350 million years ammonites were a major life form in the seas of our planet. They were free swimming and lived protected in beautifully ornamented, spiral shells. These came in many sizes and shapes ranging in size from less than an inch to over 9 feet across.

The gold version comes in a proof finish. Image courtesy of Coin Invest Trust.

Both have been struck by B. H. Mayer Kunstprägeanstalt in high relief. Both feature extinct ammonites, close relatives of the octopus and squid.

For 350 million years ammonites were a major life form in the seas of our planet. They were free swimming and lived protected in beautifully ornamented, spiral shells. These came in many sizes and shapes ranging in size from less than an inch to over 9 feet across.

The animals could pump water in and out of chambers in these shells. This allowed them to rise and sink or jet forward and back either to capture food or escape predators.

Some 65 million years ago they died out abruptly with the dinosaurs. Their fossilized shells are found in rocks ranging in age from the Devonian to the Cretaceous.

Sursa informaţiilor Numismatic News.

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