joi, 7 aprilie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă finlandeză - 06.04.2016

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The Suomen Rahapaja, Mint of Finland announces the beginning of a new series of coins with 5 euro facials bimetallic character, with a dedication to the presidents that has had the country since it became independent in 1917. The series of coins It consists of eight pieces that are issued between 2016 and 2017.

The first coin, which opens the series is dedicated to Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg, first president of Finland between 1919 to 1925. His release is scheduled for May 3. This and all of the series, designed by Tero Lounas, can be purchased at BU and Proof quality.

The obverse of the coin features the portrait of KJ Ståhlberg. On the back, common to the whole series, a landscape of fields appears Finns, framing an open book that represents a built urban environment.

Features of the coin

Face value: 5 euros
Metals: Aluminum-Bronze and Copper-Nickel
Diameter: 27.25 mm
Weight: 9.8 g
Issuing volume: 30,000 BU and Proof 6000
Issue Date: May 3, 2016
Designer: Tero Lounas

Currencies making up the number and dates of issue

KJ Ståhlberg - May 3, 2016
L.K. Relander - 2016
P.E. Svinhufvud - 2016
Kyösti Kallio- 2016
Risto Ryti - 2017
C.GE Mannerheim - 2017
J.K. Paasikivi - 2017
U.K. Kekkonen - 2017

Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg

Kaarlo Juho Ståhlberg (January 28, 1865 - September 22, 1952), Finnish politician and president of the Presidency of the Republic of Finland (1919-1925), Doctor of Laws.

Before being elected president, Ståhlberg had held several senior positions, including in the Senate of Finland, the government body in the Grand Duchy of Finland, as well as the chair of administrative law and administrative supreme court president. When Finland's independence was proclaimed on December 6, 1917, Ståhlberg was chairman of the constitutional committee and therefore had great influence on the Constitution of the Republic of Finland that would be endorsed on July 17, 1919. He was elected President of the Republic on 25 July 1919. During his presidency, Ståhlberg made great efforts to unify the country after the civil war of 1918.

Source: Wikipedia

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