marți, 8 decembrie 2015

Thailanda va pune în circulaţie o monedă comemorativă de 20 baht - 08.12.2015

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On the occasion of the awarding of the Scientific-Humanitarian Award from the International Union of Soil Sciences King of Thailand Bhumibol Adulyadej (Rama IX), it has issued a coin 20 baht circulating in the country. 

Features of the coin

Composition: Cupronickel
Diameter: 32 mm
Weight: 15 g
Issue Date: December 1
Issuing volume: 2,000,000
Rama IX
King Bhumibol has installed a complex of silos, greenhouses, orchards, dairy farms and laboratories used for his research on the development of agriculture, livestock, exploitation of water resources and the preservation of nature; for which it has been awarded the prize referenced currency.
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