vineri, 13 mai 2016

Monedele comemorative care vor fi emise de Slovacia în 2017 - 12.05.2016

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Although we know that has been chosen by Slovakia to be represented in the 2 euro coin commemorative to be issued in 2017 to mark the 550th anniversary of the Istropolitana University, today we will know the other two finalists designs, which became a public tender design to be the image of this coin.

In December 2015 Národná banka Slovenska public contest summoned the design of the national side of the commemorative 2-euro coin allusive 2017 550 Anniversary of the University Istropolitana, the first university in the territory of present Slovakia. The idea of ​​establishing a university in the Kingdom of Hungary came from his King Matthias Corvinus. At his request, the university was approved by Pope Paul II in 1465 and opened two years later, in 1467.

A total of 26 designs from 13 designers were presented to the competition. In February 2016 they were evaluated anonymously by the Evaluation Committee of commemorative designs and coin collection. The Committee was assisted in this task by expert advisors: Dr. Miriam Hlavackova, PhD, of the Institute of History of the Slovak Academy of Sciences and doc. Vicente Múcska, PhD, Vice-Rector of Comenius University in Bratislava.

Maria Poldaufová design was awarded first prize, following the Committee's recommendation, the NBS Bank Board approved its design for the currency. The Committee commended the art and design content, which, in their view, fully reflects the activities of the university and relates it to the place of their establishment. The central motif consists of the seated figures of a teacher and two students. In the background, a representative of the historical building of the University of Bratislava is shown, and at the top left of the coin a small medallion Matthias Corvinus, founder of the university.

The second prize was awarded to Pavol Károly. The Committee appreciated learned that reflect the theme and high quality modeling. The composition consists of three sculpted elements - the historical seal of the city of Bratislava, the university building and the letters of the currency.

The third prize went to Michal Gavula. Its design is dominated by a seated figure of the founder, Matthias Corvinus that appears in the foreground with the historic university building behind him.

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