sâmbătă, 22 iunie 2019

Noi monede comemorative din Spania și SUA cu tema aselenizării - 22.06.2019

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The FNMT will issue a currency on July 1, 2019 dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of the arrival of man on the Moon and the Spanish contribution to this milestone. NASA used three facilities in the world to track Apollo 11. One is in Goldstone in California (USA), another in Canberra Australia and the third in Robledo de Chavela / Fresnedillas Madrid. 

On the back of the coin, an image of the Moon is reproduced and on it appears the Command Module attached to the Module that landed on the surface of the satellite. On the left, the mark of Ceca and, below, an image of the antenna that from Spain lent support to this historic flight. On the right, in two lines and in capital letters, the value of the 10 EURO piece. On the outside of the coin, in the lower area, in a circular and uppercase, the legend 50 ANNIVERSARY ARRIVED AT THE MOON and, in the upper left part of the coin, in ascending circular direction, a period and dates 1969 -2019.

The effigy of His Majesty the King Don Felipe VI is reproduced on the obverse of the coin. In the upper part, in a circular and uppercase, the legend FELIPE VI REY DE ESPAÑA appears. In the lower part, between two points, the year of minting 2019. Surrounds the motifs and legends a gráfila of pearls.

Joint issuance
The FNMT has reached an agreement with the US Mint to make a joint case that includes the Spanish currency and the one of its 1/2 dollar dedicated to Apolo 11. The coin roll of the FNMT is 5000 pieces individually and 5000 pieces in the set with the US Mint (total 10,000 units).
The reverse of the coin shows a representation of a close-up of the famous photograph »Buzz Aldrin on the Moon», taken on July 20, 1969, showing what was reflected in the visor of the helmet of astronaut Buzz Aldrin. The reflection in Buzz Aldrin's helmet shows astronaut Neil Armstrong, the flag of the United States and the lunar lander. The inscriptions are «UNITED STATES OF AMERICA», «the face value», according to the currency and «E PLURIBUS UNUM» (Of many, one).

Of all the photographs that were taken after the arrival of Apollo 11 to the Moon, this is possibly one of the most remembered. In it you can see Neil Armstrong on the surface of our satellite while his helmet reflects the image of the lunar module Eagle and Buzz Aldrin at the time he made the snapshot.

The design of the obverse features the inscriptions "MERCURY", "GEMINI" and "APOLLO", separated by phases of the Moon, and a footprint on the lunar surface, which together represent the efforts of the United States space program that led to the first manned landing of the moon. The additional inscriptions are «2019», «IN GOD WE TRUST» («In God we trust») and «LIBERTY».

The price of the currency issued by FNMT is € 66.55 and that of the joint issue € 110.

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