sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă italiană - 04.02.2017

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The sketch of the commemorative 2-euro coin that the IPZS Italian mint this year dedicated to the Bimilenary of the Death of Tito Livio has already been made public. What we do not know officially is its date or volume of emission.

The coin shows the bust of the Roman historian Tito Livio, from a work by Lorenzo Larese Moretti; To the left the monogram "RI" of the Italian Republic and "CM" initials of the designer Claudia Momoni; right, "17" and "2017", the year
of his death and the issuance of currency, under the Italian mint mark "R". The name "Tito Livio" is shown at the bottom of a dotted line.

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