luni, 5 septembrie 2016

Despre monedele comemorative australiene care vor fi lansate în 2017 - 05.09.2016

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The Perth Mint Australia has introduced new designs for their investment coins 2017, although almost all issued in 2016, the first on 12 September.

Emission data

I leave you with the official video presentation of the new coins. 

Sursa: Youtube Utilizator: Perth Mint

Currency or Bullion Investment

The concept of currency "bullion" is a coin minted in precious metal, whose price is not set by the nominal value of it, but for the value of fine metal contained therein.

This can arise when the price of the metal is no longer stable and begins to fluctuate, which is interesting investment in the metal for speculative purposes.

Many investors prefer precious metals as currency before others such as bars, ingots, etc., since the coins need not be tested when they are to be sold.

Many governments, faced with the demand for this type of coins by the public investor, issue currency of this type, not as legal tender, but for your specific sale as currency "bullion".

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