duminică, 10 iulie 2016

O nouă monedă comemorativă argentiniană - 09.07.2016

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The Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) will issue a commemorative coin of 2 pesos for the Bicentennial of the Declaration of Independence Argentina. From next Monday, July 11 will start shipping in banks in the country for putting them into circulation. The issuance of the new currency will be 200 million units and will coexist with notes and coins of the same value today.

The coin is bimetallic gold and silver ring core. Among the main features of its design, stands on the obverse the Phrygian cap, a symbol of freedom, sustained by pica, representation of homeland defense. Complete allegory clasped hands, an expression of unity and brotherhood of the peoples of the United Provinces of the Río de la Plata. Also within the ring, the top has the inscription "REPUBLIC OF ARGENTINA" and the inferior "INDEPENDENCE * 1816 * 2016," referring to the Bicentennial.

Meanwhile, on the back, next to the face value of two pesos a stylization sun military uniform epaulet General Don Jose de San Martin is presented. Finally, in the ring, the slogan 'IN UNION AND FREEDOM', used since the first patrias coins minted by the Assembly of the Year XIII during the War of Independence is inscribed. With the issuance of this new commemorative coin, the Central Bank seeks to provide a special tribute to the patriotic deeds of Argentina July 9, 1816.

The new pieces, designed in the Central Bank and minted by the Mint, has identical features 2 pesos coins found in circulation. It weighs 7.2 grams and has an overall diameter 24.5 mm and of 17 mm in the case of the core. The metal composition comprises a copper alloy (92%), aluminum (6%) and nickel (2%) in the ring, and copper (75%) and nickel (25%) in the core.

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