marți, 5 decembrie 2017

O nouă monedă comemorativă din Luxemburg - 04.12.2017

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Last October 19 our colleague Paul (Euromunter) told us what would be the reason for the dedication of one of the two commemorative 2 euro coins that Luxembourg will issue in 2018, the "150 Anniversary of the Constitution of Luxembourg", today it has The image of the aforementioned coin arrived. 


The motif shows in the upper left the portrait of Grand Duke Henri in three rooms in profile. On its right, in two horizontal lines separated by a hyphen, appear the years of the commemoration "1868" and "2018", followed below by the commemorative legend "150 ANS CONSTITUTION DU GRANDE-DUCHÉ DE LUXEMBOURG" that appears inscribed in four horizontal lines of different sizes and between which is inserted the open book of the Constitution represented on a pedestal.

The circulation and the date of issuance of the coincards and the stock exchanges together with five annual series, including the € 2 cc "Constitution" is foreseen for January. Rolled coins will probably have to wait until July. The total issue volume for the currency is 300,000 pieces.

Data and description of the currency: Carlos Peláez

The Constitution of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg is the fundamental charter of the country. The current constitution was adopted on October 17, 1868. Although the Constitution of 1868 marked a radical change in the constitutional system of Luxembourg, which turns out to be a modification of the original constitution. That original constitution was promulgated on October 12, 1841, entered into force on January 1, 1842, and was radically modified on March 20, 1848, and again on November 27, 1856.

2 commemorative coins 2018

Commemorative 2 euro coins of Luxembourg

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