marți, 23 mai 2023

O nouă bancnotă comemorativă din Abhazia - 23.05.2023

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Abkhazia new 25-apsar note (B102a) reportedly introduced on 22.05.2023

These notes commemorate the 30th anniversary of Victory in the Patriotic War of the People of Abkhazia (1992 – 1993), and were issued in accordance with the Law of the Republic of Abkhazia from 21.04.2008, no. 2012-c-IV, “On the introduction into circulation on the territory of the Republic of Abkhazia of commemorative and investment coins and commemorative banknotes.”


B102 (PNL): 25 ҧсар (apsars) (US$3.85)

Green, orange, red, blue, and yellow. Front: Abkhaz text; coat of arms; sailing ship; traditional ornament as registration device; hawk in flight; stars; head of hawk in profile. Back: Abkhaz text; two standing soldiers holding swords and rifle; stars; traditional ornament as registration device; QR-code. No security thread. Watermark: Basket weave pattern. Printer: (Goznak). 150 x 65 mm. Paper.

a. 2023. Sig. 1: Baratelia. 15,000 notes. Prefix AA. Intro: 22.05.2023.

Courtesy of Albert Vokhmin.


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