luni, 28 decembrie 2015

Kazakhstan a pus în circulaţie două noi monede comemorative - 28.12.2015

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One of the most interesting series of coins being broadcast in recent years, is that Kazakhstan is devoted to "Space". Yesterday, December 25, was issued the tenth coin in this collection, dedicated to the spacecraft Venera 10. This coin is available in two versions; The 50 tenge struck in an alloy of nickel, and 500 Tenge bimetallic minted in silver and tantalum. 

 Features of the coin

Denomination: 50 tenge
Metal: nickel alloy
Weight: 11.17 g
Diameter: 31.0 mm
Circulation: 100,000

Here you can see the other nine issued.
Features of the coin

Face value: 500 tenge
Diameter: 38.61 mm
Weight: 41.4 grams
Metal: silver and tantalum
Issuing volume: 3,000

Here you can see the other nine issued.

Venera 10
Launched on June 14, 1975 the Venera 10 probe consisted of an orbiter and a lander to the October 23, 1975 was separated from the orbiter and landed on October 23 near the zenith of the sun on the surface of Venus. A fluid circulation system was used to distribute heat. This pre-cooling system prior to entry, permitted operation of the spacecraft for 53 minutes after landing. 

Venera program
Venera space program were a series of Soviet probes to Venus. The Venera 3-6 were designed to make measurements of the atmosphere of Venus and had no special landing system which simply impacted on the planet's surface after submitting information for his fall through the atmosphere of Venus. The Venera 7 was designed to land and study the planet's surface and made ​​a controlled on the surface of Venus in 1970 landing.

The Venera probes were the first to enter the atmosphere of another planet, make a controlled landing on another planet, send images from the surface and perform radar maps of Venus. After the Venera probes, Soviet studies on Venus continued the Vega Programme since 1984.
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