marți, 30 ianuarie 2018

Botswana va adopta bancnotele din polimer, cum vor arăta şi ce elemente de siguranţă noi vor avea - 30.01.2018

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Botswana is issuing an upgraded version of its 10-pula note, with a polymer substrate that is said to be more durable than the paper substrate being replaced.
Original images courtesy De La Rue.


The design of the new polymer 10-pula note is similar to the original paper version, with a bust of current President Seretse Khama Ian Khama appearing on the face.
Images courtesy De La Rue.

A problem Botswana did not expect when it introduced a new 10-pula bank note in 2009 was complaints from the public about its poor quality. That standard bank note paper would have issues in a climate where the temperature rises to 77 degrees in the coldest month is not a surprise.

The Central Bank announced last November that it would fix the problem, and it plans to issue on Feb. 1 an upgraded, more durable version made on De La Rue’s Safeguard polymer substrate.

The design is similar to the original paper version, with a bust of current President Seretse Khama Ian Khama.

As a result of the switch to polymer substrate, new security features could be added. They include a see-through window with MASK, a geometric pattern that is visible in normal view, but which reveals a hidden image when held up to the light; and a variant of Gemini in which one visible color changes to two colors under ultraviolet light. It also includes De La Rue’s Tactile Emboss feature for those with visual impairments.

The 10-pula note is Botswana’s lowest paper denomination. It has the highest circulation rate and stays longer in circulation compared to higher denominations. It is worth the equivalent of $1.03.
Sursa informaţiilor CoinWorld.

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