luni, 16 septembrie 2019

Noi monede comemorative din Spania - 16.09.2019

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With the issuance of the last four pieces today, the series of coins issued by the FNMT has come to an end since last December 2018 under the name of History of Navigation. This collection has meant an attempt by the Spanish mint to reach a greater number of collectors by not using metals such as silver or gold in their composition, thus making the price of these coins much more affordable. I know that there is satisfaction for the reception they have had, which is why new series of similar characteristics are already scheduled, dedicated to issues that have not yet been revealed and that will try to attract more and more collectors.

The Royal Mint decided to coin this series of coins dedicated to remembering the "History of Navigation", in which a selection of ships that, for one reason or another, have been relevant throughout the ages have been reproduced. 


In this fifth and final broadcast of the series, we find the Galerna Submarine, the Spanish Schooner, the Bio Hesperides and the 18th Century Spanish Jabeque.

Galerna submarine

Period: 20th and 21st centuries

Length: 67.57m Beam: 6.8 m Maximum draft: 5.4 m

Propulsion: diesel-electric

Armament: Four L / T tubes at the bow and in the pallets can carry 16 more weapons (torpedoes or mines).

Description: The submarine Galerna, is the first of a series of four units built in the factory of the Bazán National Company today Navantia de Cartagena.

To replace the Series 30 submarines ( US Navy Guppy class ) the Navy created a commission. Among others, types 209 German and Q 259 / Agosta French were analyzed , which was chosen since it was considered more advanced and pre-nuclear.

In 1975 the Navy gave the execution order for the construction of two submarines based on those of the Agosta class , they were the S-71 and the S-72. And in 1977 the construction of two others was ordered, the S-73 and S-74. They were baptized with names of winds: Galerna, Siroco, Mistral and Tramontana . The figures of the Tower of the Winds of the Agora of Athens, provided the motives for their coats of arms (metopes).

The keel of the Galerna submarine (S-71), was placed on 5.9.1977; He was put afloat on 5.12.1981 and 21.1.1983, surrendered to the Navy, being his first commander CC Álvaro Armada. The withdrawal of the Galerna was planned in 2016, but due to the delay in the construction of the 80 Series, it was decided to carry out the 5th large fairing, which will allow it to extend its operational life until 2025.

The Galerna are attack submarines of good qualities and well prepared to combat surface units. Being very quiet they are especially suitable for fighting other submarines.

Main features: 1,490 tons of surface displacement and 1,790 tons of immersion; 14% buoyancy index. Its allocation can vary between 50 and 64 people

Maximum speed: 12.5 knots in surface and 20 in immersion. Maximum height 300 meters.

Sensors: long range hydrophonic group, active directional sonar, acoustic rangefinder and radar. Electronic and communications war systems. Its autonomy is 9,000 miles at 8 knots in surface; 350 miles immersion at 3.5 knots with cruise engine; It can take food for 45 days.

Milestones: The Galerna has participated in many national and NATO exercises; in operations to prevent terrorist actions in the Mediterranean and in multinational submarine rescue exercises. On 24.01.1983 he received the combat flag in Barcelona. In 2004 he traveled to Stockholm for the centenary of the Swedish Submarine Weapon and participated in a submarine rescue exercise, being necessary to settle at the bottom in a very dense sea of ​​aquadulce. For the first time a Spanish submarine sailed in immersion in the waters of the Baltic Sea.

On the obverse, in the central area, an image of the work entitled «Submarino Galerna (S-71)», painted by Aledo, is reproduced in colors, which is exhibited in the auditorium of the main building of the Submarine Base of Cartagena (Murcia). On the right, the Ceca brand. In the upper left, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters, the legend SUBMARINO GALERNA.

Surround the motifs and legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. In the
outer area of the coin, in a circular sense, aquatic motifs appear
symbolically and, in the lower part, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters,
the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

Spanish schooner

Period: XVIII and XIX centuries.

Length: 30 m Beam: a quarter or a fifth of the length approximately.

Armament: Between two and eighteen guns, typically twelve.

Description: The schooner is a light boat, dedicated mainly to uncovered (exploration), mail transport and general auxiliary tasks. Because of its knife rigging, it was very suitable for sailing with all winds.

Many were built in Havana, in San Blas (California) and in different arsenals and shipyards in Spain and America. They fulfilled a multitude of tasks alone or accompanying other major ships, and as auxiliaries of powerful squads. The latter were discharged in 1860, replaced by propeller schooners, equipped with steam propulsion.

Rig: Two sticks, usually with crabs and jib candles, complemented by larger ones with scandalous and stasis, and therefore without dicks. There were also rigging with square sails, gavias and bunions, additional in one or both sticks. They are the variants that are called brig-schooner, schooner schooner, gavias schooner, polish and pailebote.

Milestones: Schooner "Fortuna" built in 1780 with 8 guns. In July 1781 he was integrated into the Buenaventura Moreno squad that transports the forces of the Duke of Crillón, to recover Mallorca and in 1782, in the squadron of General Córdova from the Mediterranean. It was the ship that on October 20 spotted Howe's squad and began its chase.

Schooner “Activa”, of 6 guns, built in San Blas, California in 1791, participated in the 1792 CN expedition. D. Juan F. From the winery and Cuadra to the Northwest coast of North America.

The “Sutil” and the “Mexicana”, represented in the currency, both built in San Blas in 1792, and with six guns each, under the respective command of Dionisio Alcalá Galiano and Cayetano Valdés, leaving from Acapulco, made a trip from recognition of the Straits of Juan de Fuca and Georgia, in the current province of Vancuver. They advanced in their arrival to that of Vancouver itself, which was traveling for the same purpose. In the company of this other expedition they toured the waters surrounding the island.

The "Cantabria", 73 tons with a cannon and four pedreros, under the command of frigate lieutenant Antonio Varela, crossed the Atlantic in the summer of 1812, during the War of Independence, to bring the first copies of the constitution to America Spanish, La Pepa, making stops in San Juan de Puerto Rico, Havana, Sisal and Veracruz.

The "Carmen", built in 1805, with 8 guns. Until 1812 he carried out relief and support missions against the insurgents of the Viceroyalty of New Spain, and also against the settlers of West Florida, independent self-proclaimed.


On the obverse, in the central area, a detail of the work entitled "Subtle and Mexican, Galiano and Valdés", which is exhibited in the Naval Museum of Ferrol, is reproduced in colors. On the right, the Ceca brand. In the upper left, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters, the SPANISH GOLETA legend. Surround the motifs and legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. In the outer area of ​​the coin, in a circular sense, aquatic motifs appear symbolically and, in the lower part, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

Bio Hesperides

Period: From 1991 to date.

Length: 82.5 m Beam: 14 m.

Propulsion: Two INDAL electric motors of 1,400 KW.

Scientific equipment: Sensors, probes, bubble cannon, passive hydrophones, deep depth calable probe, laboratories, weather station, refrigeration and freezer installations.

Description: It was built in the Cartagena factory of the Bazán National Company, Navantia. It is owned by the Higher Center for Scientific Research, managed and maintained by the Navy (based in Cartagena). Its main mission is oceanographic research, but it is also a logistic support ship for Spanish scientific bases in Antarctica, the "Juan Carlos I", of the CSIC, and "Gabriel de Castilla", of the Army of Earth.

The high-strength steel hull and reinforced keel make it capable of navigating five knots in waters with ice forty centimeters thick. Its forms are designed to have great stability at the expense of speed, with cruising speed between twelve and thirteen knots.

It is equipped with a steering system with positional rudders (Schilling Vectwin type) and a four-blade propeller driven by a 460Kw electric motor that, together with the GPS satellite positioning system, is able to keep the ship still on the bottom.

Displacement: 2,830 tons. Endowment: 55 people. It has accommodation for up to 37 scientists.

It has a small flight deck and a telescopic hangar for light or medium helicopters. It has two cranes and four winches for maneuvering and lifting of scientific equipment. It is equipped with two inflatable boats and the most advanced waste treatment means, necessary to meet the demanding environmental standards imposed by the Antarctic treaty.

All this completed with computer and satellite communications systems necessary for the treatment and transmission of the data collected.

Milestones: It is the first and only Navy ship built specifically for oceanographic research and to operate in polar waters. He has reached the latitudes of the Bellinghausen Sea and made a circumnavigation trip, together with the “Sarmiento de Gamboa”, in the “Malaspina Expedition 2010-11”, a multidisciplinary research project organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The "Hespérides" regularly exceeds 250 days of navigation per year, making navigations without stops of up to 68 days. Its main area of ​​operations is the Arctic Ocean, it has operated in the Atlantic, Mediterranean, and sometimes in the Pacific. He regularly registers in the Atlantic ports of South and Central America, where to his regular tasks he adds the diplomat of the Navy ships in peacetime.


On the obverse, in the central area, an image of the Hesperides BIO is reproduced in colors, according to photography owned by the Spanish Navy. On the right, the Ceca brand; Above the central image, in a circular sense and in capital letters, the legend BIO HESPÉRIDES. Surround the motifs and legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. In the outer area of ​​the coin, in a circular sense, aquatic motifs appear symbolically and, in the lower part, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

18th century Spanish Jabeque

Period: 18th century

Manga-length ratio: from 1 to 4

Propulsion: Sailing and rowing

Armament: cannons

Description: Typically Mediterranean boat, it is a ship of the family of the galley, which began as a fishing vessel and was subsequently used by Berber corsairs in their corridors against ships and the reasons or assaults on the Christian shores of the Mediterranean.

The eighteenth-century Spanish jabeque hoisted three sticks, the ratchet in downward prow, while the elder and the messwoman remained in a candle, that is, vertical. In the three sticks they raised Latin sails, and armed oars, with robust bow and with great launch, leaving it the spur-like wheel, on which a bowsprit was used to hurl the ratchet sail. In the stern, the story was extended with a slab forming the stern Campeche or Levite. In the Navy there were them with a rigging of polish, the so-called "round jabeques".

In Spain, the problem of piracy was almost always marginal, which was only paid attention in the moments of respite left by the wars in Flanders or America.

With the Bourbons, the Mediterranean policy and the Marquis de la Ensenada were activated, having knowledge of Mallorcan and Ibizan privateers who successfully faced the Berbers using the jabeques, decided to suppress the squadron of galleys and start the armament of jabeques.

Soon the success of the measure in the fight against piracy was demonstrated. Thus, with those built in Cartagena- with plans by Gautier and Juan del Real-, Palma de Mallorca, Havana and the last ones in Mahón, plus a few arrested, the Royal Navy came to have 41 units. The first four built in 1750, mounted 24 guns and whose names: Greyhound, Hunter, Hare and Steering Wheel, refer to its main quality: speed. They also grew in size and the largest of all, the Hound, built in 1769 in Palma de Mallorca and armed with 32 guns, reached a displacement of 680 tons.

At the beginning of the 19th century there were only two large and some small jabeques. In 1808 the Jabeque San Sebastián was sent to Cartagena de Indias, from there it went to Montevideo and later to Lima. But at the time of returning to Spain, the commander reported the danger posed by climbing Cape Horn with strong stern winds. He remained in the Pacific until his discharge in 1827. He was the last jabeque of the Navy.

Milestones: Emphasize that it has been the most effective type of ship that the Navy has had, they emerged victorious in all the fights fought and none was captured or sunk by the enemy.

On the obverse, in the central area, a detail of the work entitled "Antonio Barcelo with his jabeque mail yields to two Algerian galleys in 1736", which is exhibited at the Naval Museum of Madrid, is reproduced in colors. On the left, the Ceca brand. Above the central image, in circular and capital letters, the legend JABEQUE ESPAÑOL CENTURY XVIII. Surround the motifs and legends of the central area a line of pine nuts. In the outer area of ​​the coin, in a circular sense, aquatic motifs appear symbolically and, in the lower part, in ascending circular direction and in capital letters, the legend SPAIN and the year of minting 2019.

Common Reverse

On the reverse (common to all pieces), within a central circle, the value of the 1.5 EURO coin appears, in two lines and in capital letters, and the legend NAVIGATION HISTORY, in a circular and uppercase sense. Surround the legends of the central zone a line of pine nuts. Outside the central circle, in the outer area of ​​the coin, there are six dolphins jumping, counterclockwise, on the same aquatic motifs that appear on the obverse. Surround all the motifs and all the legends a graph of pine nuts.

Characteristics of the coins

Facial: 1.5 euros Composition: Cupronickel Weight: 15 g Diameter: 33 mm Maximum emission volume: 10,000 each Price: € 16.94 VAT included

Meet the other four collection series with great detail

First series

Second series

Third series

Fourth series
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